Missing images in jMP -> Help -> About Shaders

Just to let you know the images in the help file about shaders are missing.

Those images are not saved in the wiki, the build process cannot download external images…

Actually, there are many many images missing in the jMP help. :frowning: I’m a visual person, it would help me, but I’ll make do with what we have.

Oh and btw normen, I don’t know if it’s you who did this, but the Math part of the help file is very well done! Almost 100% comprehensible at first read! :wink: lol

Seriously, very nicely put together. It was the first time I was browsing those files and they are VERY helpful.

madjack said:
It was the first time I was browsing those files and they are VERY helpful.

If you just hadn't said you browse them for the first time ^^ Now spread the word ;)