ModelBounds vs. WorldBounds

I appologize in advance if this is a simple/stupid question.  I am playing around a lot with jME (and love it) and with so much to learn I thought it might be fastest to just throw this question up here.

What is the difference between ModelBounds and WorldBounds?  Why would I use one vs. the other, or should I set both on the objects that I add to the scene graph.

Thanks for any help!

Keep up the great work!

Never mind, I think I answered my own question… :smiley:

From what I can tell ModelBounds are used for Picking operations and WorldBounds for clipping.  I understood WorldBounds, just not what I needed ModelBounds for.  Now I guess I know.

Thanks anyway.

As irrisor said, this should be covered in the wiki, particularly this line:

"After the model

Your assumptions are not entirely correct.

Maybe have a look at the wiki: bounding volumes

And then feel free to ask any unanswered question here :slight_smile:

For even more insight into concepts used in jME you can take a look at a game engine book mentioned here (important chapter can even be downloaded).

Thanks for the help.  I read the Wiki per your suggestion.  I will start there next time (very nice work, btw).

I guess I just struggle to understand why, not just how.  So from what I have put together, in order for the world bounds on a geometry spatial to be accurate it needs model bounds which know how to figure stuff out from the geometry.  Is it any more efficient during rendering if I were to just set the world bounds?  The scene that will be rendered will be created by a home grown application, so I have the opportunity to perform any shortcuts at creation time as opposed to rendering time.

While I am asking about it, my goal is to build a quad tree that contains all the static geometry in the scene off of one node in the scene graph, while all the Spatial content that can change/move is in another node off the root of the tree.  Is this a good idea, or is there a better way to go about it in jME?

Once again, keep up the good work!  It is much appreciated.