Multiple APK's on android?

HI folks, I have 2 different projects, at this juncture building/deploying any one of them replaces the other one on android.

Is there a way to support multiple debug apks on android?

The names of the projects are different, but I’m guessing since its a ‘debug’ apk, its getting the same ‘signature’.

You set that signature in the project settings when you create the project, read (the manual).

Indeed I was able to get it working, thanx for the pointer.

A couple of comments:

By manual (I assume you mean):

  1. The notes section, states:

    To sign your application, edit the mobile/ file to point at valid keystore files.

    I believe this incorrect, and should read:

    To sign your application, edit the mobile/ file to point at valid keystore files.

    Also I would maybe update the manual to more explicitly call out that in order to support more than 1 APK, you must sign the APKs.

    If this sounds reasonable, holler and will by happy to update the docs accordingly.

    Also 'troubleshooting:

    If you get the error:


    Its likely your, Android Manifest.xml file is using the JMonkey default, this should be updated to your package. (i.e. ensure your projects have unique package names).


You don’t have to sign the app, you just have to give it another signature, the default is com.mycompany.mygame