My blog:

Just wanted to advertise my new blog here  :smiley: It’s about game rendering (as the name says) and I try to post useful links and articles when I have time. Maybe something might be of help for you monkeys!  :wink:

/ Haladria

Thanks, always nice with some intelligent reading through the eyes of others :slight_smile:


That's a very useful blog! It's nice to have all techniques documented in some place for easy access. Would be great if you could provide more info on each one, like sample code, theory, implementation tips, shaders, etc would make it much more useful for people looking to implement those things.

What Momoko said.

Great blog. Thank you for your effort and congratulations.

Very nice. Bookmarked

I placed it in my bookmarks. Very, very useful blog, either for jME users and native OpenGL users.

Thanks a lot for this resource.

thanks, very interesting blog with lots of good articles. add to bookmarks too :slight_smile:

Momoko_Fan said:

That's a very useful blog! It's nice to have all techniques documented in some place for easy access. Would be great if you could provide more info on each one, like sample code, theory, implementation tips, shaders, etc would make it much more useful for people looking to implement those things.

Yes, examples with sample code would be good but I've got no time to do them for all papers and techniques ;) So I rather link to someone who has already done that if possible. Anyway, most papers does describe the techniques well enough so you should be able to do your implementation of it, and a lot of them comes with a demo and source code.

Thanks all of you :)