NaooaK Interactive

Glad to hear it @anykeyh

I’ll be busy for at the end of April and start of May, so just find a window outside of that period and we’ll be in touch.

Also I can confirm it’s working on Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit :slight_smile:

tehflah said:

If you don't mind me asking, are the characters made up of several billboarded sprites setup to animate as body parts? Like, a sprite for the upper arm, lower arm, hand, head, etc etc. I'd considered implementing something like that in my project but I decided it was a bit over my head. Still I'd be interested to know how you guys pulled that effect off! Looks great!


Yes its that. We works with planes linked by IK Joints. This is not billboard, only plane. This works with front and +/- 30° around front in all direction. Over, the character looks strange (see below) .
(Notice the beautiful head fixed by my artists skills under mspaint... :x )

With this system, our animations is simply node animations (per matrix). No VBO nor Vertex Shaders needed to optimize animation like in bone animation.

For implementation I can share some JME2 classes built to provide node animations with ogremesh xml files. PM me if u want!

LATEST NEWS: Our new game (based on the old one) can be try here:

Oooh, another Facebook game. I’ll have to test it when I get home, I think my school’s net is keeping me from playing it:

Unable to connect to server.
Ensure your firewall is well configured to accept UDP packet from port 8113 and TCP from port 8888. More infos at

Same thing happened with Facebook Civilization.

I don’t see why an online game with a centralized server requires you to open ports on a firewall/router?

Also, opening that FAQ page leads to this:

An error occurred

Page not found

Because some networks block ports to keep people from having fun on their network…

Momoko_Fan said:
I don't see why an online game with a centralized server requires you to open ports on a firewall/router?
Also, opening that FAQ page leads to this:

The FAQ is a lie. More seriously I'm alone on this project, and I haven't yet done the whole website pages sourrounding the application ;)
Yeah, badly the game need to connect on 8XXX port for some features. In fact, for this game we should use ajax and HTTP query, but our technology is built to allow multiplayer games hosted on our servers (like League of legend), thanks to headless jme renderer.

Guys you rock!!! I like your game!!! I wish you good luck and more users!!! :slight_smile:

The only thing is a problem with linux. I have got kubuntu 11.04 and OpenJDK with Icedtea plugin. So game does not work. I suppose I should install native java package and java plugin for web browsers.

Uploaded with

Finally remembered to take it for a spin while at my own place. It works great! I’m really missing an escape menu though, and I mean that in the most literal sense. If I want to quit the game, the only way to do it that I’m aware of is by clicking the X in the open window.

Here’s my log:

There were a couple warnings, so you might want to CTRL-F your way through those.

@mifth I don’t think there’s any issue with OpenJDK, but the icedtea plugin is broken for sure. I’ve heard many Minecraft players with the same complaint. But seeing as Minecraft has a big nerd following, it hasn’t caused much of an uprising. In the case of a Facebook game, it’s a bit more sensitive. Right now however I don’t know of a better solution besides uninstalling icedtea in favor of the “official” (I don’t know what Oracle deems official any longer) Java plugin, called something like java-plugin-6.

@anykeyh if you want to do a guest post about your game, feel free to hand me a draft and I’ll look it over and schedule it in. This is jME2 though right? We preferably showcase jME3 games, but being on Facebook gives you a fresh angle :stuck_out_tongue:

@erlend_sh :

Sure, it would be a pleasure!

You can also use any resource or screenshot of the game you want for jmonkeyengine website or to promote jmonkey engine. Isn’t the minimum when you use nice open source engine? :).

I’ll talk about your proposition with my associate, who speak (and write) severely better english than me.

@mifth : Juste replace icedtea by sun-java6-plugin . I got openjdk (on ubuntu) here and it seems to works properly with this version of plugin.

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anykeyh said:
(...) Juste replace icedtea by sun-java6-plugin . I got openjdk (on ubuntu) here and it seems to works properly with this version of plugin.

We hear about that error quite a bit around here. You should probably make sure to add a notice about it some place where Linux users can see it. Like "On linux? Applet not loading? Replace your IcedTea Applet plugin with sun-java6-plugin. "
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Ok it’s done, sir.

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I would also suggest to add: How to replace the plugin help. :slight_smile:

For example for ubuntu and fedora… as they are the most popular. :slight_smile:

Just console commands, or some screenshots… you will really get more users with that help!