[Solved] Need help figuring out why my geometry is not showing


I have the following lines from @pspeed’s sim-eth-es modified example:

    AssetManager assetManager = getApplication().getAssetManager();
    Spatial ship = assetManager.loadModel("Models/fighter.j3o");
    ship.rotateUpTo(Vector3f.UNIT_Y); //Make sure that ship is rotate so that Y-axis upwards
    ship.center(); //Center in the origin of the world bound
    Texture texture = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/ship1.png");
    Material mat = GuiGlobals.getInstance().createMaterial(texture, false).getMaterial();
    Node result = new Node("ship:" + entity.getId());
    //This is shown:
    result.setUserData("entityId", entity.getId().getId());
    Texture ships = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Subspace/ships.gif");
    Texture bullets = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Subspace/bullets.gif");
    Quad quad = new Quad(10, 10);
    quad.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord, 2, spriteCoords(0, 3, 36f / 360f, 36f / 1152f));
    float halfSize = 0.5f * 0.5f;
    quad.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, new float[]{-halfSize, -halfSize, 0,
        halfSize, -halfSize, 0,
        halfSize, halfSize, 0,
        -halfSize, halfSize, 0
    Geometry geom = new Geometry("SHIP", quad);
    Material mat2 = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
    mat2.setTexture("ColorMap", ships);
    //mat2.setColor("Color", color);
    //This is not shown:

And I cannot figure out why the first child is shown (the model as it is from sim-eth-es), but not the one I am trying to load. If I create a test-case, it works:

package mygame;

import com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Box;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Quad;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture;

 * This is the Main Class of your Game. You should only do initialization here.
 * Move your Logic into AppStates or Controls
 * @author normenhansen
public class Main extends SimpleApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Main app = new Main();
    private Texture ships;
    private Texture bullets;

    public void simpleInitApp() {
        ships = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Subspace/ships.gif");
        bullets = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Subspace/bullets.gif");
        Quad quad = new Quad(10, 10);
        quad.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord, 2, spriteCoords(0, 3, 36f / 360f, 36f / 1152f));
        float halfSize = 0.5f * 0.5f;
        quad.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, new float[]{-halfSize, -halfSize, 0,
            halfSize, -halfSize, 0,
            halfSize, halfSize, 0,
            -halfSize, halfSize, 0
        Geometry geom = new Geometry("SHIP", quad);
        Material mat = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
        mat.setTexture("ColorMap", ships);
        //mat.setColor("Color", color);
        //geom.setQueueBucket(RenderQueue.Bucket.Translucent); //Make the alpha channel translucent

    private float[] spriteCoords(int x, int y, float cellsize_x, float cellsize_y) {
        float s = x * cellsize_x;
        float t = y * cellsize_y;
        return new float[]{s, t,
            s + cellsize_x, t,
            s + cellsize_x, t + cellsize_y,
            s, t + cellsize_y};

    public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) {
        //TODO: add update code

    public void simpleRender(RenderManager rm) {
        //TODO: add render code

What am I doing wrong…?! :smiley:

Did you attach result to rootNode?

A quad will only be visible from one side. Maybe you are looking at the wrong side? Or is this in 2D now?

Are you looking down in the x/z plane? If so then you will have to rotate the quad as its in x,y orientation.

Ah, that I did not know. Thanks for the tip - I will try flipping it.

Yes, result is attached (first child “ship” is shown, second “quad” is not)

Thanks for all the help! It helps keep momentum and enthusiasm high :slight_smile:

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