New Site

Let's do it.  I certainly don't see anything "blatantly bad" that should keep us from putting it out there and getting what I'm sure will be an avalanche of community suggestions.

News could still be more visible. It's not very obvious that the news on the top of the page is animated for instance The font is still pretty small.

Why do I (and perhaps others) keep saying that? Because when there's a new project I'm intrested in, that's one of the first things I usually check, just to get a bit of a feel for it…

In any case, the design as a whole looks fine to me (and "proffesional" enough). It's also a lot better than what's up right now.

Ok, another try. Putting more info on the front page, reducing the size of the main image. Ties into the forum (the main feature of the site) a bit more. Do you like this direction a bit more?

Including the forum like that certainly is a good idea! since it's grouped with the news items it gets a little bit more attention to that too… very good improvement.

Yeah, very good improvement.

Two points:

  • the non-graphical text colors still need improvement
  • what about putting the donate box below the getting started box (it's more likely people will do it in that order anyway ;))

Definitely makes the front of the site actually useful and attractive at the same time.  Nice job.

i like it alot!! i have similar issues as irrisor only, which might be due to this laptop high resolution + low contrast. the colors on the sections background is not visible (all the text just looks freefloating), and the orangy text is really hard to see/read. also make the headlines stand out slightly more would be neat. other than that, great.

Perhaps I should have submitted something sooner, but I don’t have a lot of free time, but the frustration was getting to me.  I spent just a few minutes mocking up a slight variation on what is currently on the site and wanted to see if anyone had a general interest in changing the site a little:

I won’t be offended if no one likes it…I only spent a few minutes on it though, so if you like the idea but it just needs a bit of cleanup/changing I’m open to suggestions.

BTW, I haven’t really done anything with the news aspect at the bottom, I just ran out of time and didn’t want to waste any additional time if no one cared to make use of it.

I think the "get started using jme" box is easier to understand with that kind of formatting. other than that i like the mojo design better and think we should go with that. except for some small font color details i think that one feels more homogeneous (or a word similar to that which makes sense s)

I like the use of that newer svg logo, and that the getting started box takes up less room.  Otherwise, I like the colors and font and balance of the new design better.