New Wiki and new Wiki team member

Its your choice, but if i would be a newcomer i would not know what the minie-library is about. What if there would be a super small naming convention for the modules close to the engine?

like: name-usecase-library… in your case minie-physics-library?

just my small cent

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That raises an interesting question: are module names visible to newcomers, or just the titles?

I think that is excellent input.

No, not unless they are looking at your repository with a browser, only thing that shows using Antora UI is what you put in antora.yml. You control that.

The module name comes into play when referencing pages in the actual documents you write.

Its the title you need to think of, something like

Minie Physics Library

Look at the jme-ui demo docs to see how and where the title jMonkeyEngine Ui gets used by opening the module browser window in the bottom left. Then see what looks like after selecting

Edit: The name of a component is visible in the browsers navigation bar url at the top of the browser. Ours is jmonkeyengine-ui (lower case) . Thats why there are limitations on what you can use for a name, it becomes part of the url.