Newbie need help

Hi everyone, im totallly new with jme engine, but I find it very interesting. Im begin to write a small game based on this engine.

I choose eclipse as my IDE, and have already download all source code from CVS server. But I want to knowt that : If I need to setup a new project ,

How can I organize my poject folders ?

…and how to put neccessary files in the right place ??

Does anybody have some experiences on this ?

Thanks for help

PS : I have tried to find some similar topic in our forum , but all i've found is the structure of project folder placed inside cvs's folder.

hi i'm a n00b too but maybe i can help. i use the following structure:

/src <- as my source-folder-root

/src/de/peterschnitzel/data <- for files associated to the game (images/models etc.)

/src/de/peterschnitzel/gamename <- packagename domain/myname/projectname

/libs <- for .jar's / .dll's

/bin <- generated classes

/deploy <- for generated jar's / .jnlp / .ant

thanks you  XD.

It's really helpful with me  :slight_smile: