Nifty TextField on Android

It looks okay I suppose. Just so you know, we are going to rewrite the android system anyway as it is too messy right now.


Let me know if you need anything else.

@iwgeric, thanks a lot for your patience and work :stuck_out_tongue:

@Momoko_Fan ok but…this solution looks kinda neat to me, no user code needed, no AndroidHarness cluttering, and something that will be useful for everyone on Android.

One way or another even if the android system is rewritten we’ll need something like this.

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@nehon said:
@iwgeric, thanks a lot for your patience and work :p
@Momoko_Fan ok but...this solution looks kinda neat to me, no user code needed, no AndroidHarness cluttering, and something that will be useful for everyone on Android.
One way or another even if the android system is rewritten we'll need something like this.

Yes, it is good

@iwgeric, I committed the change it’s working great, and it’s nicely integrated.

I had an issue though. When simulateMouse was enabled the dialogBox was poping twice (on press and release apparently so down and up).

I added a check in onMouseButtonEventQueued in InputSystemJme so the event occur only on the mouse button release.

But it introduced another issue, the popup was not poping anymore when the tap was causing the filed to regain focus.

ie, you tap elsewhere on the screen, then you tap on the field, the dialog is not poping, but if you tap on the field again the dialog pops up.

I don’t have a clue why it’s doing this…so in the end, i ended up poping the dialog on the mouse button press, and it works…But it’s not completely consistent with the touch event behavior that displays the popup on the UP event (when simulateMouse is disabled).

If you have any insight on this, you’re very welcome to share :wink:

Thanks again for this patch.

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@nehon As always, thanks for integrating the change. I’ll update from svn and take a look to see if I can tell what’s going on.