NiftyGui Removing a DraggableControl

Another question for my inventory system. I’m working on combining items. The actual combine is working fine, but now I have an issue in the cleanup. I am done with the draggedItem and wish to delete it since its items have now been combined into the other item. I can call markForRemoval() on its element, and the element goes away, but the control is still there (and since it uses the default panel style, it’s covering the other item). So how does one remove a control from NiftyGui (as opposed to just removing an Element)? Or is there another way I should be going about this?

Here’s my accept function:

[java]public class InventoryFilter implements DroppableDropFilter
public boolean accept(Droppable dropSource, Draggable draggedItem, Droppable dropTarget)
ItemController icTarget = dropTarget.getElement().getControl(ItemController.class);

  if (null == icTarget)
    return true;

  if (icTarget.getName().equals(((ItemController) draggedItem).getName()))
    if(icTarget.combine((ItemController) draggedItem))
      //FIXME: do something here to remove draggedItem?
    return false;
catch (Exception e)
return false;


And here’s my combine function:

[java] public boolean combine(ItemController other)
ItemXMLParser xmlParser = ItemXMLParser.getInstance();
int maxSize = xmlParser.getMaxStackSize(m_name);
if (m_amount + other.m_amount <= maxSize)
m_amount += other.m_amount;

  // FIXME: problem here! This gets rid of element, but not the control
  return true;
return false;


BTW, ItemController extends DraggableControl in case you’re wondering.
