No respond to "H", "K" or "Space" key when running


When I run the “” program (listed in “”) in jme3 platform latest nightly build. The program runs OK (I could see the pendulum) but I receive no respond when I press the “H”, “K” or “Space” key which should give the pendulum some momentum / stop the pendulum. I have tried pressing the “H”, “K” key while the “CapLock” is on / off.

Am I using the wrong keys to play the pendulum or there are some errors in forming the “HingeJoint” in the program code ? i.e. is the program code :

joint=new HingeJoint(holderNode.getControl(RigidBodyControl.class), hammerNode.getControl(RigidBodyControl.class), Vector3f.ZERO, new Vector3f(0f,-1,0f), Vector3f.UNIT_Z, Vector3f.UNIT_Z);

correct ?

Thanks for any suggestion.


Just press the button sooner, the bodies get deactivated after a while :wink:


I could now see the pendulum swings, but only when I have changed the program code to :

joint=new HingeJoint(holderNode.getControl(RigidBodyControl.class), hammerNode.getControl(RigidBodyControl.class), Vector3f.ZERO, new Vector3f(0f,-2f,0f), Vector3f.UNIT_Z, Vector3f.UNIT_Z);

where pivotB is changed to “new Vector3f(0f,-2f,0f)” compared with the original “new Vector3f(0f,-1,0f)”. I don’t know why this is so but it just works !

I think there should be some adjustments for pivotA and pivotB in this program line.


Can you prevent the bodies from deactivating? I want constant control over the motors but the shut down. @normen