No Texture Coordinates in model imported from Blender


I’m totally confused right now. I’m trying to import a model from blender. However the imported mesh does not seem to have any texture coordinate buffers. So obviously the model ends up with the color of the pixel in the bottom-left corner of the texture.

My code:
[java] Node player = (Node) getAssetManager().loadModel(“SM_Aphrodite_3_anim.blend”);
player = (Node) player.getChild(“Aphrodite_Mesh”);
Material material = new Material(getAssetManager(), “Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md”);

		material.setTexture("DiffuseMap", getAssetManager().loadTexture("Textures/Aphrodite/T_GOD_Aphrodite_DIF00.png"));


When I list the buffers in the mesh I get:

Position Normal HWBoneWeight HWBoneIndex Index BindPosePosition BindPoseNormal BoneWeight BoneIndex

and trying:
[java]Mesh mesh = ((Geometry)player.getChild(0)).getMesh();
mesh.scaleTextureCoordinates(new Vector2f(2.5f, 2.5f)); [/java]
throws a IllegalStateException: “The mesh has no texture coordinates”.

I tried converting the model to .obj and then it works.
What’s wrong? Is it the Blender importer, or am I doing something incorrectly?

How are we supposed to tell? The textured blender template file in the SDK works fine…

@normen said: How are we supposed to tell? The textured blender template file in the SDK works fine..

I checked in the SDK, The files there are from Blender 2.4, right?
Is there a test for Blender 2.6? Is it even supported?

Ok. I managed to solve the issue… but I’m as confused as I were.

Apparently if I pack the textures into the blend file then the Texure Coordinates will be there.

So I guess solved… sort of…

@yezu said: I checked in the SDK, The files there are from Blender 2.4, right? Is there a test for Blender 2.6? Is it even supported?

Blender 2.6 is included in the SDK, if you create the example its directly opened with it…?