Noob question: splatting + projected texture :-)

Hello !

I want to use oil in my game, and splat it on my road set.

Now I use a projected texture. But my video card can only handle 4 fixed texture units, so I can only make (4-1) decal.

What I plan to do now is to use a passNodeState: Is it a good solution ?

Sorry if my questions is stupid  :expressionless:

Are there better solutions ?

Thanks !

Kine  :slight_smile:

The last discussion ( search for skid marks ) recommended creating a geometry for these small effects

Yes but my roads are very (very) bumpy  :frowning:

btw my first idea was to create a lot of physic points and make them a trimesh on the fly every frame refresh, and make them rest after hitting the ground so that you can see the oil fall on the floor.

If you will have many oil spills then you're gonna kill performance by using a texture unit for each one. If you go over the limit then you need to move the render onto another pass and that's just a waste. Use theprism's method (creating decals) instead. Bumpy or not bumpy doesn't matter, just find which triangles the oil spill effects and put them in their own geometry.

Maybe you could cheat and use one of the splat layers as oil. So when you want to make drops of oil you just paint in the alpha texture for the oil layer. Of course the oil wont be that nice and you would not be able to remove it so easily.

Momoko_fan : just find which triangles the oil spill effects and put them in their own geometry.

Ok Thanks !  :)