(November 2017) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

I’ve finished creating and syncing up the lobby interface for multiplayer mode.

I’m excited to start syncing up more parts of the actual gameplay soon, but in a few days I’m going to be out of town without a computer for a week, so I’m putting that off until I’m back home :frowning:


Thanks :slight_smile:
The whole idea is that those pillars are obstacles you can hide behind, so yes my ship would collide with them (but it will not receive damage… not at the moment).

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very nice - I also work on a game with 2D movement in space and am still looking for ways to make the maps interesting without adding too many illogical things.
Fog/Nebulas could work nicely too. Solid walls which separate areas are more difficult…

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The pillars alone did not do the trick, what really helps is the concentric background to give you orientation. I plan to have some kind of a space stone hegen for that level, with some gloomy parts.

I personally do not think too much about how realistic it is (it’s anyway not realistic, no matter what I do :wink: ), just if it helps me not get completely lost in the darkness…


Is it very straight forward to use Shadron shaders in jME?

Well more or less. The parameters need to be changed to the ones you pass in via the j3md and remove the “glsl” tag in front of every function but that’s pretty much it.

Well unless you’re using a mesh object in shadron in which case you need to copy the right stuff to the right file (.shadron files have both .vert and .frag code in them for that use), and if you’re using any of their built-in libs (mostly noise related ease of access stuff) you gotta replace that with your own code or render it to texture with shadron and use that.

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