Null pointer exception in collision listener on Android

Hello, I get a null pointer exception when receiving a collision event on an Android 3.1 device: java.lang.NullPointerException Exception thrown in Thread[GLThread 10,5,main]: at com.jme3.bullet.collision.PhysicsCollisionEvent.getNodeA(-1) at mygame.FlyingObjectsGame.collision(134) at com.jme3.bulletPhysicsSpace.distributedEvents(-1)

The problem is that getNodeA(), getNodeB(), getObjectA() and getobjectB() return null on Android but work fine on a Windows desktop.

Is there any workaround to avoid this problem on Android?

Thanks in advance for your help

You sure you use the latest version? Also, did you compare native bullet on desktop or jbullet?

Hi normen,

thanks for your reply. I am using:

– Product Version: jMonkeyEngine SDK 3.0beta

You’re right, I was using the non native version on the desktop.

Now that I use the native version on the desktop I also get the exception here. The application I am running is a modified version of the cannonBall (removing the wall) and making the ball hit the floor.

Do you know why it crashes with the native implementation? I am just adding a collision listener and accesing the nodes with getNodeA and getNodeB

My two colliding objects are a ball:

Geometry ball_geo = new Geometry(“ball”, sphere);



/** Position the cannon ball /


* Make the ball physcial with a mass > 0.0f /

ball_phy = new RigidBodyControl(1f);


//ball_phy=new GhostControl(new SphereCollisionShape(0.4f));

* Add physical ball to physics space. /



* Accelerate the physcial ball to shoot it. /


and a floor:

Geometry floor_geo = new Geometry(“Floor”, floor);


floor_geo.setLocalTranslation(0, -0.1f, 0);


Make the floor physical with mass 0.0f! */

floor_phy = new RigidBodyControl(0.0f);



Thanks again for your help

Update the SDK. Help->Check for Updates

Normen, I updated the SDK as you said, restarted the SDK but I still have the problem.

Clean & build your project.

I also did it and no good news :frowning:


at com.jme3.bullet.collision.PhysicsCollisionEvent.getNodeA(Unknown Source)

at mygame.Main.collision(

at com.jme3.bullet.PhysicsSpace.distributeEvents(Unknown Source)

at com.jme3.bullet.BulletAppState.update(Unknown Source)



at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(



I cannot reproduce this, for me collision callbacks work fine both with native bullet and jbullet… Do the getObjectA and getObjectB return anything? The NPE can only happen if they are null.


getObjectA and getObjectB also return null

Thanks for your patience

Just in case this helps. These are the libraries that I am including in the project

artifactURI=null, type=1, property=${libs.jme3-libraries-physics-native.classpath}, object=Library[jme3-libraries-physics-native], broken=false, additional={}

artifactURI=null, type=1, property=${libs.jme3.classpath}, object=Library[jme3], broken=false, additional={}

artifactURI=null, type=1, property=${libs.jme3-libraries-lwjgl-minimum.classpath}, object=Library[jme3-libraries-lwjgl-minimum], broken=false, additional={}

artifactURI=null, type=1, property=${libs.jme3-libraries-oggvorbis.classpath}, object=Library[jme3-libraries-oggvorbis], broken=false, additional={}


and this is the output of the execution before the crash. Maybe this provides some useful info

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.JmeSystem initialize

INFO: Running on jMonkeyEngine 3.0.0 Beta

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.Natives extractNativeLibs

INFO: Extraction Directory: C:DocumentsNetBeansProjectsBasicGame

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay run

INFO: Using LWJGL 2.8.2

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay createContext

INFO: Selected display mode: 640 x 480 x 0 @0Hz

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: Adapter: igdumdx32

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: Driver Version:

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: Vendor: Intel

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglContext printContextInitInfo

INFO: GLSL Ver: 1.20 - Intel Build

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglTimer

INFO: Timer resolution: 1.000 ticks per second

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer initialize

INFO: Caps: [FrameBuffer, FrameBufferMRT, OpenGL20, OpenGL21, ARBprogram, GLSL100, GLSL110, GLSL120, VertexTextureFetch, FloatTexture, FloatColorBuffer, FloatDepthBuffer, PackedFloatTexture, SharedExponentTexture, PackedFloatColorBuffer, NonPowerOfTwoTextures, MeshInstancing, VertexBufferArray]

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.asset.DesktopAssetManager

INFO: DesktopAssetManager created.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.renderer.Camera

INFO: Camera created (W: 640, H: 480)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.renderer.Camera

INFO: Camera created (W: 640, H: 480)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglMouseInput initialize

INFO: Mouse created.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglKeyInput initialize

INFO: Keyboard created.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 initInThread

INFO: AudioRenderer supports 64 channels

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 initInThread

INFO: Audio effect extension version: 1.0

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 initInThread

INFO: Audio max auxilary sends: 4

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.material.MaterialDef

INFO: Loaded material definition: Unshaded

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Gui Node)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (Statistics View) attached to this node (Gui Node)

Bullet-Native: Initializing java classes

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (Floor) attached to this node (Root Node)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.bullet.objects.infos.RigidBodyMotionState

INFO: Created MotionState 62f4c8

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.BoxCollisionShape createShape

INFO: Created Shape 62f570

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.bullet.objects.PhysicsRigidBody rebuildRigidBody

INFO: Created RigidBody 62f5d0

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.bullet.collision.PhysicsCollisionObject initUserPointer

INFO: initUserPointer() objectId = 62f5d0

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.bullet.PhysicsSpace addRigidBody

INFO: Adding RigidBody 6.485.456 to physics space.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node detachChildAt

INFO: Gui Node (Node): Child removed.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node detachChildAt

INFO: Gui Node (Node): Child removed.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node detachAllChildren

INFO: Gui Node (Node): All children removed.

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (Gui Node)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (DebugShapeNode)

27-dic-2011 19:36:14 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer updateUniformLocation

INFO: Uniform m_VertexColor is not declared in shader [ShaderSource[name=Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.vert, defines, type=Vertex], ShaderSource[name=Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.frag, defines, type=Fragment]].

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (ball) attached to this node (Root Node)

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.bullet.objects.infos.RigidBodyMotionState

INFO: Created MotionState 62ff80

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.SphereCollisionShape createShape

INFO: Created Shape 624bd0

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.bullet.objects.PhysicsRigidBody rebuildRigidBody

INFO: Created RigidBody 4c20d20

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.bullet.collision.PhysicsCollisionObject initUserPointer

INFO: initUserPointer() objectId = 4c20d20

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.bullet.PhysicsSpace addRigidBody

INFO: Adding RigidBody 79.826.208 to physics space.

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.scene.Node attachChild

INFO: Child (null) attached to this node (DebugShapeNode)

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 handleError

GRAVE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]


at mygame.Main.collision(

at com.jme3.bullet.PhysicsSpace.distributeEvents(Unknown Source)

at com.jme3.bullet.BulletAppState.update(Unknown Source)



at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(

at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(



27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.renderer.lwjgl.LwjglRenderer cleanup

INFO: Deleting objects and invalidating state

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglMouseInput destroy

INFO: Mouse destroyed.

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.input.lwjgl.LwjglKeyInput destroy

INFO: Keyboard destroyed.

27-dic-2011 19:36:19 com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay deinitInThread

INFO: Display destroyed.

In that stack trace the exception is in your own code (

That`s because I do the following in the collision method (just to test getObjectA):

public void collision(PhysicsCollisionEvent event) {

185: PhysicsCollisionObject s1=(PhysicsCollisionObject) event.getObjectA();

186: PhysicsCollisionObject s2=(PhysicsCollisionObject) event.getObjectB();

187: s1.toString();

188: s2.toString();


line 187 is s1.toString() and the exception is because s1 is null. I have checked with the debugger that s1 and s2 are null

Normen, are we using the same native dll?

bulletjme.dll 1.618.991 bytes last modified October 22, ‎2011, ‏‎6:31:58


If you updated the SDK it comes with the new binaries, maybe try deleting it once so you make sure its actually the version that comes with the current jME3 version.


I removed jME3-bullet-natives.jar from the jmonkey lib directory and recompiled the project (clean and build) and run it and I observe the same behavior (null pointer on collision event). What libraries is it using if the natives ones were removed? It seems it doesn’t care whether the native libraries are present or not because the null pointer exception is raised anyway.

I don’t understand this behavior at all!

Thanks for helping out with this. BTW Help->check for updates returns “Your application is up to date!”

The natives are extracted automatically, if not to the run folder then the native is extracted to (home)/.jme3/(apphash), try deleting that.

@Momoko_Fan: Somehow the extraction doesn’t work well, we need to revise this.

1 Like

As far as I can see when a clean build my project a jME3-bullet-natives.jar file is copied into myapp\dist\lib directory (I don’t know where this jar comes from). Then when I run my application a bulletjme.dll file is automatically extracted into my application main directory. This file’s modification date is ‎December 27‎ 2011, ‏‎21:06:36 and its size is 2.002.179 bytes.

Finally when the collision occurs, the exception is raised because getObjectA returns null.

Hm, the bullet dll for the stable version should be about 1.624.726 bytes… Any chance theres still some updates hanging? Whats the actual version number of the “jMonkeyEngine3 Library” plugin? (Tools->Plugins)

1 Like

now I have the nightly update (just because I tried to get the latest updates)

Version: Source: jMonkeyEngine SDK Nightly

but before I had the stable update. Do I go back to the last stable update as I initially had?