(October 2015) Monthly WIP screenshot thread

As there is no release of the Cinematic Editor of GSoC and it looks like it is not maintained anymore, I decided to start work on an own version.
The concept is a bit different though: The user can define a cinematic with a new file format and preview it in real time. I plan to add several utilities to the real time preview such as adding WayPoints etc. to ease the creation process. It is not a fully fledged GUI editor but good enough to make the cinematic creation progress faster.

This is what the GUI looks like currently:

This is a sample cinematic file:

Scene rootNode
Timeline {
    0: camera location -2.06 7.63 12.82 //set camera location (vector) after 0 seconds
    0: camera follow Cube 2  //follow the spatial Cube for 2 seconds
    0: event MotionEvent Cube {  //launch this eventafter 0 seconds
        WayPoint 0 0.5 0
        WayPoint 10 0.5 0
        LoopMode DontLoop
        Duration 2
    3: camera follow Cube 2
    3: event MotionEvent camera {  //launch this event after 3 seconds
        WayPoint -2.06 7.63 12.82
        WayPoint 16 21 -12
        LoopMode DontLoop
        Duration 2
Duration 5
LoopMode Loop
Speed 1

I plan to include a couple of new CinematicEvents and the User should be able to extend the file parser to include further custom events. Let’s see where this will end up… If it’ll be usable, I could also integrate it with the SDK by creating a plugin that adds a new button to the toolbar that launches the editor. There you could search for local cinematic files and edit them / create new ones.