Oculus Rift Support

Since I’m not sure I can repro the issue, can you do some debugging? What I’d try to do is to place a couple of more log lines to see where it fails. The printout with the OVRVectors and stuff is the end of configureRendering in OculusRiftUtil. This should mean that it has got hold of the window and the Oculus Rift is properly set up for rendering.

It doesn’t feel like a jMonkeyEngine issue but maybe I’d place some lines around the end of OVRAppState:initialize and


Since those are doing some OpenGL calls.

However, since you’re actually reaching update(), it’s most likely something else.
OVRAppState and the filters are calling the SDK. Removing those calls in OVRAppState:update and any calls to hmd in OculusFilter might give a hint to where the problem is.

The thing is, post initialization, Java doesn’t treat direct mode any differently which makes fixing the issue difficult, should we find it.

Edit: I think you can change the orientation of the oculus display in the ‘orientation’ properties in Windows. I also seem to remember running in windowed mode at some point, so maybe I’m remembering incorrectly.