ODE Error: Some object doesn't have mass?

I've added a few Static physics objects and a few dynamic physics objects.  I have provided a mass (>0) for all of the dynamic physics objects.  However, I am seeing the following error:

  ODE Message 2: mass must be > 0 (ode/src/mass.cpp:39)

  ODE Message 2: inertia must be positive definite (ode/src/ode.cpp:410)

  ODE Message 2: inertia must be positive definite (ode/src/mass.cpp:43)

  ODE Message 2: inertia must be positive definite (ode/src/ode.cpp:410)

then later, I'm seeing the following message logged very frequently:

  ODE Message 2: vector has zero size (ode/src/odemath.cpp:128)

There is at least 3 seconds between these occurances.  I suspect that this has something to do with how I am loading some object, but I'm not sure which object and I'm not sure what is causing the problem.  Any help would be appreciated. 


What OdeJava DLL are you using?  I can't remember what I ended up using, but I believe it was the latest from odejava.org and that made everything work again for me.  I haven't seen anything but that zero size error though, so yours may be somewhat different.
