Ogre model error


I exported my blender model via Ogre2Mesh. It work in sceneComposer with animations etc. When i load it into the game as a static model at x,y,z it work. But when I want to use that model as my player model i get error:
WARNING: Your export has been saved with an incorrect encoding for it’s String fields which means it might not load correctly due to encoding issues. You should probably re-export your work. See ISSUE 276 in the jME issue tracker.[/java]

I use 3rd person camera code from: https://wiki.jmonkeyengine.org/legacy/doku.php/jme3:user_examples:ThirdPersonCamera

Can you post the entire exception?

[java]WARNING: Your export has been saved with an incorrect encoding for it’s String fields which means it might not load correctly due to encoding issues. You should probably re-export your work. See ISSUE 276 in the jME issue tracker.
gru 02, 2013 1:18:11 PM com.jme3.app.Application handleError
SEVERE: Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[LWJGL Renderer Thread,5,main]
at sourcePlayer.PlayerNode.<init>(PlayerNode.java:89)
at sourceGame.GameState.initialize(GameState.java:106)
at com.jme3.app.state.AppStateManager.initializePending(AppStateManager.java:251)
at com.jme3.app.state.AppStateManager.update(AppStateManager.java:281)
at com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication.update(SimpleApplication.java:239)
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:151)
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop(LwjglDisplay.java:185)
at com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.run(LwjglAbstractDisplay.java:228)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)[/java]

GameState line 106 is: [java]player = new PlayerNode(playerModel, inputManager, cam);[/java] while PlayerNode is from tutorial