Out of date: Example - Use Slerp to Rotate Between two Quaternions


//the rotation half-way between these two
Quaternion q3 = q1.slerp(q2, 0.5f);//Failed because of Quaternion required instead of void

In 3.0 MUST be like that:

     You can interpolate rotations between two quaternions using spherical linear
     interpolation (slerp).
    Quaternion Xroll45 = new Quaternion();
    Xroll45.fromAngleAxis(45 * FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3f.UNIT_X);

Quaternion Yroll45 = new Quaternion();
Yroll45.fromAngleAxis(45 * FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
the rotation half - way between these two
Quaternion halfBetweenXroll45Yroll45 = new Quaternion();
halfBetweenXroll45Yroll45.slerp(Yroll45, Yroll45, 0.5f);

Sorry for mistake

halfBetweenXroll45Yroll45.slerp(Xroll45, Yroll45, 0.5f);

instead of:

halfBetweenXroll45Yroll45.slerp(Yroll45, Yroll45, 0.5f);


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@normen said:

Example in documentation
is incorrect must be updated to something like that:

halfBetweenXroll45Yroll45.slerp(Xroll45, Yroll45, 0.5f);

Because it’s impossible to write:

Quaternion q3 = q1.slerp(q2, 0.5f);

It will cause:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - incompatible types
required: com.jme3.math.Quaternion
found: void

Ah, you can actually fix such errors yourself by pressing the little “edit” button at the bottom of each paragraph.

@normen said: Ah, you can actually fix such errors yourself by pressing the little "edit" button at the bottom of each paragraph.

Ok Normen, it’s done.