Patterns used in jmonkeyengine


JME uses MVC (Model, View, Control) design pattern at the core for implementing your game.
JME’s Spatials are Views, ex: playerNode

JME’s UserData is Model ex: playerNode.setUserData("health", 100);

And JME’s AbstractControls are Controls of your game ex: playerNode.addControl(new PlayerControl());


Another design pattern you can use with JME is ESC (Entity Component System) with help of outer libraries like Zay-ES.

Prototype: actually is your clone method

The Prototype pattern offers a solution. The key idea is that an object can spawn other objects similar to itself. If you have one ghost, you can make more ghosts from it. If you have a demon, you can make other demons. Any monster can be treated as a prototypal monster used to generate other versions of itself.

see: Prototype · Design Patterns Revisited · Game Programming Patterns

There are other patterns to
please take a look at Table of Contents · Game Programming Patterns
which mostly are same in any game engine.