Physic Test Won't Run

When I try to run the "" I get





java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Djava/library/path=MY_PATH_TO_JME_CVSjmelib;MY_PATH_TO_JME-PHYSICS-2_CVSjmephysicsimplodelib

Exception in thread "main"

Java Result: 1

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

But I won't run, I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong?

It should not matter because it makes it own path, doesn't it. I updated NetBeans and it is just telling me that there is a problem because ANT was not installed properly (I forgot to install it).

vaagear said:

It should not matter because it makes it own path, doesn't it.

Not sure what you mean, but I noticed that I mis-read the error message earlier. Part of the problem is that you are specifying the -Djava.library.path parameter in the wrong place (classpath, while it should be VM parameter). Go through the tutorial again, do everything *exactly* as described there. If that doesn't help the tutorial might need a fix...
vaagear said:

I updated NetBeans and it is just telling me that there is a problem because ANT was not installed properly (I forgot to install it).

Hmm, sounds like there's something screwed up in your NetBeans installation. Ant comes bundled with NetBeans, and should never cause any problems like that.

okay, I will be trying again later. Yeah I updated my netbeans to the 6.0 version and it does not have the ant script option under general. I am going to try with elcipse later.