Planar Reflections

Hi all,

Does anyone have any good sites about reflection? Ive seen a few, but they all reflect upon y = 0 (up vector) which just seems very limited to me.

Thats actually what I need, reflections upon the y = 0 plane, but it doesn’t seem to be extendable at all.

So my question is, does anyone know any resources for good reflections?

Or even better, some code?


ive found two possible ways to do this.

Stencil Buffer (


Texture Mapping (

Which one tho?

Reflection would be a good effect for JME. I think that jme sould suport it(Something like combining a quad with a render to texture) .

so you think the texturing method is better than stencil reflections?


well, ive got stencil reflections working using OpenGL commands (OpenGL 1.1 to be more presice).

But is it better than RenderToTexture?


"DarkProphet" wrote:
so you think the texturing method is better than stencil reflections?


No, just simpler to make with Jme (You do not need to change the position of a object before rendering). I do not know what is better.