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If you’re gonna make an identical post you could just give us a link.

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Not really clear… but does this have anything to do with JME at all?

No. For android implementation I use Android SDK, for iOS implementation - BugVM, and on desktop it powered by Lwjgl.

I appreciate the effort, but why reinvent the wheel, instead of building upon jmonkeyengine or libgdx?

You used dyn4j, and there’s at least a couple of jme project that uses that…

Besides, you have a lot of hardcoded data. You might want to have a look at goldmonkey GitHub - Pesegato/GoldMonkey: XML Builder for dataset

And again: if you want to build stuff yourself to scratch some itch then is ok, but if you are serious about “the best 2d engine” then you want to leverage other works and collaborate :slight_smile:
You are also welcome to take a look at monkeysheet GitHub - Pesegato/MonkeySheet: Spritesheet library for jMonkeyEngine

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