Possible bug in Unshaded.frag

I was dabbling with my orbit lines and decided they were standing out too much so I decided to use an alpha of 0.5 on them but it was still rendered opaque.

After checking the frag I noticed the following:


vec4 color = vec4(1.0);


#ifdef HAS_COLOR

color *= m_Color;



Changing it to “Color = m_Color;” fixed this, but the problem had to be elsewhere since if you multiply 1.0 * 0.5 it should still give you an alpha of .5…

After digging a bit more I think I found the solution.

I changed this:




color.rgb *= texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord2).rgb;


color.rgb *= texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord1).rgb;








color *= vec4(texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord2).rgb, color.a);


color *= vec4(texture2D(m_LightMap, texCoord1).rgb, color.a);



gl_FragColor = color;


It seems to have taken care of the problem and the tests I did with my scene gave perfect results, but maybe there are circumstances where it would break things.

Waiting for input on this.

Last time i checked transparency was working fine with unshaded.

I don’t get what you changed in the end? Do you have 2 sets of texture coordinates?

I made two classes, Circle and Trail , which are meshes. I’ve used the Sphere mesh as a basis for them. There’s no texture, only a color applied to it.

In short they’re Mode.Lines meshes.

Thinking about it, if you want to test the transparency, make a WireSphere and try a color with an alpha of .20 or something. It should still be rendered opaque.

@nehon you’ve got to stop hacking into my computer. Or something.

Now it works fine w/o the mods I just made. IT WASN’T WORKING damnit! :cry:

goes to sulk in a corner

that’s the devil’s pact again :wink:

Or just a typo… sigh