Possible Bug with viewport on camera

Hi all,

i recognized some changes in the camera setViewport-behavior.

The setter for the viewPortLeft e.t.c are calling onViewportChanged method, which calculates some values for the viewport.

If the setter:


public void setViewPort(float left, float right, float bottom, float top) {







is called, the onChanged-method is called through the first line “setViewPortLeft”, which leads to calculations for the gui-bounding on incorrect set properties.

To get my code running i had to change the method to:

[java]public void setViewPort(float left, float right, float bottom, float top) {

this.viewPortLeft = left;

this.viewPortRight = right;

this.viewPortBottom = bottom;

this.viewPortTop = top;




I think this is a bug in the core, if not please ignore this or feel free to tell me, what my problem is.

Kind regards, Henning.

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Mhh you’re right. I’m gonna change this.