Problem when changing the screen in a Nifty Gui

Hi, I want to make a menu with Nifty. I have written the following in my program.


nifty = niftyDisplay.getNifty();


nifty.fromXml(“Interface/mainmenu.xml”, “start”, gui);


And I have made this XML-File.

[xml] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<panel id=“panel” height=“25%” width=“35%” align=“center” valign=“center”

backgroundColor="#f60f" childLayout=“center” visibleToMouse=“true”>

<text id=“text” font=“aurulent-sans-17.fnt” color="#000f"

text=“zurück zum Spiel” align=“center” valign=“center” />

<panel id=“panel1” height=“25%” width=“35%” align=“center” valign=“center”

backgroundColor="#f60f" childLayout=“center” visibleToMouse=“true”>

<text id=“text1” font=“aurulent-sans-17.fnt” color="#000f"

text=“loadscreen” align=“center” valign=“center” />


If the panel in the “start”-screen is clicked java runs this methode

[java]public void startgame() {




showGame(guiNode, guiFont, cam);


But the screen don´t change to “loadscreen”. What is the Problem?

Sorry but this forum don´t show my XML code. But here you can see it as txt-file.

PS: Sorry for my bad english