Problem with an applet


I need some help with an applet.

I’m trying to test a basic applet so I’ve created a new project and in the properties of the project I’ve checked the Create Applet option. As it’s said in the applet showcase, to deploy my game as an applet I only need to check that button.

Then, I clean and compile the main project and I’ve my dist folder with the Applet folder and all the files. I run the run-applet.html and all works fine.

However, I upload the content of the Applet folder to my web-site and when I run the run-applet.html from my web browser I only have a black picture instead of my game.

The java console shows the following message:

Uncaught error fetching image:


at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2SecurityManager.checkConnect(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.checkSecurity(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation.imageComplete(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.errorConsumer(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.errorAllConsumers(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.badDecoder(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(Unknown Source)

at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(Unknown Source)

at Source)

I’ve no idea what I doing wrong.

Anyone can help me??


Thanks in advance.

I think that’s your virus protection software blocking the applet

Thanks for your response, beniboy.

I’ve done some tests. I’ve copied the applet showcase files and I’ve uploaded them to my web to test if there was some problems and the showcase works perfect. So I don’t think that the virus protection software is blocking the applet.

Another ideas?

Maybe you can try webstart? It may be the the best working solution.

Yes, is another option, but I prefer the applet solution.

I finally found what’s was wrong.

The applet loader didn’t found the appletlogo.png image.

I’ve uploaded the appletlogo.png to the applet folder in my web page and now all works fine.

In the showcase there is also a png image that is loaded at the begining.

However this picture isn’t include automatically in the dist/Applet folder when you choose deploy your project as an applet.

I hope this can be helpful for other monkeys :wink: