Problem with setRenderState()

Hi to all.

I'm working on the "HelloMousePick" example and I tried to make a little change to the code so when the user click on the box he sets the box renderstate to wireframe.

//I've imported the WireFrame State
import com.jme.scene.state.WireframeState;

protected void simpleInitGame() {

//I've initialized the WireFrameState
WireFrameState wireFrame = display.getRenderer().createWireframeState();

protected void simpleUpdate() {


//Then at the clicking of the mouse it sets the clicked box renderState to wireFrame
for (int i = 0; i < pResults.getNumber(); i++) {

But when I click on the box nothing happens.
Maybe I am missing something or maybe I'm using the wrong method.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot.

call the updateRenderState()

Thanks a lot! I should have imagined it!  :smiley: