Questions about using AnimComposer

You’re welcome!

By the way, in the code snippet, I posted on that topic, the “convert to in-place” part is dirty code. Better to use the function I posted here which is also integrated into the Wes library.


Here it is updated to use the new “in-place animation” method:

Note that you must rename “root.x” to the root bone name on your model. In my case, I am using Auto Rig Pro addon to rig all my characters and the root bone name is “root.x” that is why I have hardcoded it in code.

import com.jme3.anim.*;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.util.SafeArrayList;

 * @author Ali-RS
public class AnimUtils {

    public static SkinningControl findSkinningControl(Spatial model) {
        Spatial s = getAnimRoot(model);
        SkinningControl ac = s == null ? null : s.getControl(SkinningControl.class);
        return ac;

    public static AnimComposer findAnimComposer(Spatial model) {
        Spatial s = getAnimRoot(model);
        AnimComposer ac = s == null ? null : s.getControl(AnimComposer.class);
        return ac;

    protected static Spatial getAnimRoot(Spatial model) {
        // Find spatial with the composer
        // For the moment, we'll guess
//    Spatial animRoot = ((Node) model).getChild("root");
//    if (animRoot == null) {
//        // Have to find it the hard way
//        animRoot = findAnimRoot(model);
//    }
        return findAnimRoot(model);

    protected static Spatial findAnimRoot(Spatial s) {
        if (s.getControl(AnimComposer.class) != null) {
            return s;
        if (s instanceof Node) {
            for (Spatial child : ((Node) s).getChildren()) {
                Spatial result = findAnimRoot(child);
                if (result != null) {
                    return result;
        return null;

    public static AnimClip retargetClip(AnimClip sourceClip, Spatial target, boolean inPlace, String newClipName) {
        Spatial animRoot = getAnimRoot(target);
        if (animRoot == null) {
            System.err.println("Anim root is null!");
            return null;

        SkinningControl sc = animRoot.getControl(SkinningControl.class);
        if (target.getUserData("hasInitialPose") == null) {
            target.setUserData("hasInitialPose", Boolean.TRUE);

        SafeArrayList<AnimTrack> tracks = new SafeArrayList<>(AnimTrack.class);
        for (AnimTrack animTrack : sourceClip.getTracks()) {
            if (animTrack instanceof TransformTrack) {
                TransformTrack sourceTrack = (TransformTrack) animTrack;
                Joint sourceJoint = (Joint) sourceTrack.getTarget();
                // I am using a standard humanoid rig for all my characters so joint
                // names are the same on all rigs
                Joint targetJoint = sc.getArmature().getJoint(sourceJoint.getName());
                if (targetJoint == null) {
                    System.err.println( "Joint with name " + sourceJoint.getName() + " not fount on target");

                // Only Rotations are cloned
                TransformTrack targetTrack = new TransformTrack(targetJoint, sourceTrack.getTimes(), null, sourceTrack.getRotations(), null);//sourceTrack.jmeClone();

                if (targetJoint.getName().equals("root.x")) {
                    System.out.println("Transferring root motion...");
                    // Modify translations to fit in target rig
                    if (sourceTrack.getTranslations() != null) {
                        Vector3f[] translations = new Vector3f[sourceTrack.getTimes().length];
                        //boolean convertToInPlace = false;
                       /*Vector3f start = new Vector3f(sourceTrack.getTranslations()[0]);
                        Vector3f end = new Vector3f(sourceTrack.getTranslations()[sourceTrack.getTranslations().length - 1]);
                        start.y = 0;
                        end.y = 0;
                        if (start.distance(end) > 0.30f) {
                            convertToInPlace = true;
                            System.out.println("Converting to InPlace:" + sourceClip.getName());

                        float scale = targetJoint.getInitialTransform().getTranslation().getY() / sourceJoint.getInitialTransform().getTranslation().getY();
                        System.out.println("Scale factor= " + scale);
                        for (int i = 0; i < sourceTrack.getTranslations().length; i++) {
                            // delta translation = track translation - bind translation
                            Vector3f deltaTranslation = sourceTrack.getTranslations()[i].subtract(sourceJoint.getLocalTranslation());
                            /*if (convertToInPlace) {
                                deltaTranslation.x = 0f;
                                deltaTranslation.z = 0f;
                            Vector3f targetTranslation = new Vector3f(targetJoint.getInitialTransform().getTranslation());
                            translations[i] = targetTranslation;
                        if (inPlace) {

        AnimClip targetClip = new AnimClip(newClipName);
        return targetClip;

    private static void convertToInPlace(Vector3f[] translations) {
        Vector3f start = translations[0];
        Vector3f end = translations[translations.length - 1];

        Vector3f delta = end.subtract(start);
        Vector3f factor = delta.divide(translations.length - 1);
        Vector3f vTemp = new Vector3f();
        for (int index = 0; index < translations.length; index++) {
            Vector3f translation = translations[index];

and to use it:

AnimClip newClip = AnimUtils.retargetClip(clip, targetModel, inPlace, newClipName);
AnimComposer ac = AnimUtils.findAnimComposer(targetModel);
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