Radar Math ^^ I suck at this


I basically want a radar, as seen here

Now for this tow ork with my real application I somehow need to be able to calcualte the radar local coordinates for objects. This is where I’m stuck.

I have
-> The position of my ship as Vector3f
-> The rotation of my ship as Quaternion
-> The position of the radarObject in worldspace

Now I need to somehow get the coordiante of the radarObject in ship local space. eg if its in front/behind me 0,0,z

Vector3f rawPosition = pos.asVector3f(); //pos being my object to display
rawPosition = myPos.subtract(rawPosition);
myRot.multLocal(rawPosition); // toLocal

			System.out.println(ro.id + " " + rawPosition);
			ro.position = rawPosition.divide(this.radarRange).multLocal(this.radarRadius); // just scale the final variable into the radar range and scale of subscene, this seems to work.


You could probably use shipSpatial.worldToLocal(objectWorldPosition, objectLocalPosition)

Just do everything in world coords, subtract your ship position and scale down the resulting vectors?

@normen said: Just do everything in world coords, subtract your ship position and scale down the resulting vectors?

Hm but wouldn’t I need to convert to local in the end anyways? (The radar is out fo the ships perspective, and since I have ful 3d space, a simpler psuedo 3d one does not work fine I’m afraid.

@sgold said: You could probably use shipSpatial.worldToLocal(objectWorldPosition, objectLocalPosition)
Hm I have no spatials at that part of the engine directly, but I guess i could create some dummy ones that mimic the ships position for this. Not the cleanest way, but might work just fine enough.
@Empire Phoenix said: Hm but wouldn't I need to convert to local in the end anyways? (The radar is out fo the ships perspective, and since I have ful 3d space, a simpler psuedo 3d one does not work fine I'm afraid.

Yeah but as its world coords you just need to attach it to a node and place it where you want it. “Within” the radar you see a small version of the actual relations then.

Hm then I need to sync the camera of the radar scene or? But that might not be a actual problem.

@Empire Phoenix said: Hm then I need to sync the camera of the radar scene or? But that might not be a actual problem.

No, why? You could even attach the radar scene to the gui node if theres no depth issues. In what I suggest you automatically get a smaller version of the original space, centered on your ship. I take it thats what you want for the radar, right?

If you just want something else’s world coordinate in your ships local space (including rotation) then it’s pretty easy.

Vector3f posObject = …
Vector3f posShip = …
Quaternion rotShip = …

Vector3f localPos = posObject.subtract(posShip);
localPos = rotShip.inverse().mult(localPos);

…off the top of my head.

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Yep thats it,

I even tested opposite, but should have used inverse instead ^^

Now it works, time to improve the code quality ^^ wich kinda degraded a little. :stuck_out_tongue: