Random World Generator

Ok, that makes sense… I still think that it would make it more useful for the community if you also allow for saving of generated worlds.

Currently all things in jcrpg are mostly generated by a Hashing algorithm that takes X,Y,Z as coordinate with some kind of other params and a seed, and a quick hashing algorithm gives a "quasi-random" value. This way things look random, trees scattered around, also heights are randomized too. (there are some rules of course like climate dependent flora generation, different "functions" for mountain and plain/forest etc.). With this "quasi-random" thing using the same seed the world is looking all the same for one player and another when they set the same seed and world size/parameters.

I'm glad that you could use jcrpg's code for getting started with jME, especially because you've progressed  far beyond my jME knowledge . :slight_smile:

What about shadows? What way you plan to add them? (I've troubles with the default jME shadows, it seems a bit slow, and I'm not good enough at things like shaders/multitextures to implement my own version.)

Also what kind of terrain paging do you use? Are your trees billboarded?

timong said:

What about shadows?

No shadows for now, and I'm not planning to add shadows. I prefer to get the game in a playable way before.

timong said:

Also what kind of terrain paging do you use? Are your trees billboarded?

I use the TerrainPage class
and No, my trees are not billborded, they are paked, that is only one TriMesh keep all the trees wood of a quad of tree, and only one TriMesh keep all the leaves (ok that is false because there are up to 10 differend type of leaves, but my Optimizator do it for me, so i don't kare about the exact result).
I have found no way to combine paked geometry with billboard in this library. there is a way?

I've written a class for billboarding a loaded tree model's foliage. It's replacing the tree foliage quads with it's own billboarded GeometryBatch. It's called BillboardPartVegetation in jcrpg. It's rather ugly codewise. :slight_smile: It's wind animated with a simple vertex shader. Anyway don't bother to check the code, I think it's too complicated for general use.

Are you planning to open the source of your project? I'd be glad to learn something from your code!

timong said:

I've written a class for billboarding a loaded tree model's foliage. It's replacing the tree foliage quads with it's own billboarded GeometryBatch. It's called BillboardPartVegetation in jcrpg. It's rather ugly codewise. :) It's wind animated with a simple vertex shader. Anyway don't bother to check the code, I think it's too complicated for general use.

Are you planning to open the source of your project? I'd be glad to learn something from your code!

Yes i'm planning to relase all the source.
But it is a LOT of stuff, so if I simply relase all without enougth documentation and examples it will be totally uniusefull.

If someone is interested in helping me with this work please contact me :)
(for example on skipe I'm Naelh8)