Raycasting and collision issue

Hello, JME comunity.
I am newly in jMonkeyEngine. I read the beginer guide and looked through the forum but didn’t find similar issue. I try to do raycasting from an object. Ray casts perpendicularly from front edge of it and paralel to the floor. I don’t expect any collision but I get it in unexpectable place.

CollisionResults results = new CollisionResults();
Vector3f rayOrigin = geometry.getWorldTranslation().add(0, 0, geometrySize);
Vector3f rayDirection = rayOrigin.add(0f, 0f, 15f);
Ray ray = new Ray(rayOrigin, rayDirection);
shootables.collideWith(ray, results);
CollisionResult closestCollision = results.getClosestCollision();
if(closestCollision!=null) {
System.out.println("Ray origin: " + rayOrigin + ", Ray direction: " + rayDirection);
System.out.println("You shot " + closestCollision.getGeometry().getName() + " at " + closestCollision.getContactPoint() + “, " + closestCollision.getDistance() + " wu away.”);

This code returns to the console

Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.
Ray origin: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 2.7429307), Ray direction: (-0.0079099, -3.3326616, 17.742931)
You shot Floor at (-0.011273879, -4.75, 10.288773), 7.6777987 wu away.

How is it possible if the ray parallel to the floor? I don’t understand how it collides an object in point that have y =-4.75 if origin and direction has y= -3.33 ?

The direction is not the target of the ray. It’s the direction.

If direction.y is not 0, your ray is not parallel to the floor, but pointing upwards or downwards.

That’s not a direction… that’s just a vector.

You need to normalize your direction so that it’s a direction and not just a vector with some random magnitude.

Thx. I think I understand the case