Re-creating the bullet-native RayCastVehicle for large modifications

In this case i specifically need to modify how the suspension springs work.
And I gather modifying the bullet-native RayCastVehicle (btRaycastVehicle) isn’t really possible so the alternative is writing my own.

Just checking that im correctly following sources correctly from jme3 VehicleControl:


My plan is use a PhysicsRigidBody and a PhysicsTickListener with prePhysicsTick to do this.

Is this okay, or is there a better way?

Updating to jme3.2 and changing to bullet-native completely broke my PhysicsVehicle (and RayCastVehicle) modifications and blocked accessing the lower level jbullet WheelInfo object which contains required suspension values. Basically I’ve needed to do this for some time.
I’m not asking for code help, just making sure I don’t have to do it twice (wrong) or that there is other documentation i should read.