Released: jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Beginner’s Guide

Do you have an inventive mind, are experienced in Java, and enjoy looking through the smoke and mirrors of VFX and the world of game mechanics? Then t[See the full post at:]


Just republished this with forum comments integration.

I completely dropped the ball on the book launch for quite some time due the loss of a family member. It’s time to promote this bad boy. More news soon.

Very cool, I have directly placed my order!

I bought this book a week or two ago and it’s awesome!

Haven’t got much spare time at the moment, so haven’t had any time to actually put the examples/exercises into practice, but even then! I have the feeling I really understand the structure in which a project should be setup and how the logic of the game should be separated properly. Whereas I first didn’t know where to start, I now basically don’t feel lost anymore and that really makes me want to pick up (well actually start… :p) jme and game developing in general again :).

Besides the fact that it briefly but well explains some general game concepts and terms when they’re being used, I also really like the practical way the book is written in, really helped me understand things much quicker!

All in all a very good job!


cool :), perhaps you could put that in an amazon review or something ^^ (we seem to be lacking them)

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<cite>@wezrule said:</cite> cool :), perhaps you could put that in an amazon review or something ^^ (we seem to be lacking them)
I really wish I could but I bought the book on packtpub and it seems that I cannot write a review over there, as I can't find any place to do so :(.

you can still write a review on amazon, it just won’t have the “Verified owner” or w.e sticker next to it :slight_smile:

<cite>@wezrule said:</cite> you can still write a review on amazon, it just won't have the "Verified owner" or w.e sticker next to it :)
Ah alright but I've never used my amazon account and I was getting the following message on amazon:
To submit a customer review: you need to use an Amazon account that has successfully been charged for the purchase of a physical or digital item
So I assumed that you had to have bought that particular item to be able to review it :P Turns out I just need to buy any item at all before writing a review :(

I’ll try to remember to write a review as soon as I buy something from amazon for the first time :stuck_out_tongue:

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ok, no worries, thanks for trying tho :slight_smile:

I’m really interested in the book. However, I have gone through most of the tutorials and can get through the remaining but I constantly face challenges as I feel tutorials gets you going through code but fails to teach the basics eg class structure etc.
What all things are possible using a particular construct.
Which is the best way to do a particular thing?
How some algorithms like raycasting are implemented (just overview so that I can have a look at code if one wants)

Will this book help me understand this and improve me understanding beyond tutorials so that I face less bottlenecks while doing development??

Why does Anonymous contain a partial copy of my comment? :stuck_out_tongue:


<cite>@simar.i3r said:</cite> Hi, I'm really interested in the book. However, I have gone through most of the tutorials and can get through the remaining but I constantly face challenges as I feel tutorials gets you going through code but fails to teach the basics eg class structure etc. What all things are possible using a particular construct. Which is the best way to do a particular thing? How some algorithms like raycasting are implemented (just overview so that I can have a look at code if one wants)

Will this book help me understand this and improve me understanding beyond tutorials so that I face less bottlenecks while doing development??

In my opinion it really does, that’s basically what I meant in my comment when I said that I didn’t feel so lost anymore :stuck_out_tongue: I think I was having the same feeling you were having…Like you didn’t know what to do with those examples. That is mostly though because you’re just not sure how to properly structure your game and which classes should be used for it. The book did explain that very well in my opinion

In other words, the tutorials on this site all give good examples on the specific topic of the tutorial only, whereas the book does a really good practical approach to gradually show you how they should be used together, in a game.

Does it explain for example, what is the structure of say input system. What class inherits what. How can one inherit rawinput to implement own input object, something like that.

I got the book just yesterday (physical copy) and can’t wait to read it soon. I’ll definitely provide a review when I’m done with it. I feel fairly confident in my (marginally) beginner exploits into this engine. Hopefully, once I get through this book, I’ll feel much more confident with my next games.

Just wanted to drop by first and say thanks for taking the time to put it together!

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