Rendering with multiple viewports with filters


the guys from this thread have some code for this situation: [Solved] Bloom Filter applied to near view port does not create transparent background - #21 by Ogli

I did not yet finish the little demo using their code, but you should be able to find your way using the code of @zissis and @Tryder - just download it from the other thread. Tryder’s version has bloom filter and filter post processing. Did not test their code yet, which means that you have the honor to do it by yourself now… :chimpanzee_closedlaugh:

Be aware that multiple frustums reduce the framerate (in theory). Each new frustum should need one complete render pass - so using 4 frustums will reduce the framerate from 100 percent to around 25 percent. The effect depends on how much the frustums show.

Happy coding,