Replacement of KinematicRagdollControl

Hello, anyone knows the replacement for KinematicRagdollControl, i don’t want currently to break the code for doing a custom replacement.

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DynamicAnimControl replaces KinematicRagdollControl.

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Thank you, i still cannot migrate jmb to Minie, currently it’s using bullet-native (not jbullet sorry), there are a lot of things that would break if i do the migration, if you have a tutorial for migrating from other bullet libs (bullet-native in this case) please share !

EDIT: If you are supporting jme3-bullet-native, then i may keep the dependency there, what do you think ? i want to have maintained dependencies in place so i can easily report bugs and ask if in doubt on the community here !

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Minie already has a migration tutorial, but it doesn’t discuss the transition from KinematicRagdollControl to DynamicAnimControl.

If your goal is simply to get JMB running on JMonkeyEngine v3.5.1, then you can use jme3-jbullet, which still includes KinematicRagdollControl. Or you could rip out the ragdoll portion of JMB.

I don’t really want to support jme3-bullet-native, but if you have questions, I’ll do my best.

Note that KineticRagdollControl was deprecated in 2018.