Simple Shader Question

Am I completely off base here, or shouldn’t I be able to move a texture (basing this off of the Unshaded material/vert/frag) by updating texCoord1?

If I slowly increase the x or y of the vec2 from 0 to 1, shouldn’t it move the texture?

Reaaaaallly sorry for the stupid question.

Yes, it should. But if it isn’t then we haven’t been given enough information as to why it isn’t.

So, I updated the Unshaded.vert with the following (material def file allows for setting Offset)


uniform mat4 g_WorldViewProjectionMatrix;

attribute vec3 inPosition;

#if defined(HAS_COLORMAP) || (defined(HAS_LIGHTMAP) && !defined(SEPARATE_TEXCOORD))




attribute vec2 inTexCoord;

varying vec2 texCoord1;

varying vec2 Offset;



attribute vec2 inTexCoord2;

varying vec2 texCoord2;



attribute vec4 inColor;

varying vec4 vertColor;


void main(){


texCoord1 = vec2((inTexCoord[0]+Offset[0]),(inTexCoord[1]+Offset[1]));



texCoord2 = inTexCoord2;



vertColor = inColor;


gl_Position = g_WorldViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);



So the loop updates Offset from value 0 to 1 in increments of .01f

The texture moves… only when I rotate the camera along the Zaxis (looking up and down). I know it has something to do with the last line (gl_Position). I am assuming I need to swap out WorldView for something Local to the rendered object?

Any help would be appreciated!

Offset is not a uniform it’s a varying… so it probably contains random garbage that changes as you look around.

I’m surprised it compiled at all.

Did you want it to be a uniform or a vertex attribute?

Also note that you can just use g_Time if you set that up right in the j3md.

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I see now. Let me try setting it to a uniform.

Also, if you have a uniform named “Offset” then it will be “m_Offset” in the shaders.

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This worked like a charm!


uniform mat4 g_WorldViewProjectionMatrix;

attribute vec3 inPosition;

#if defined(HAS_COLORMAP) || (defined(HAS_LIGHTMAP) && !defined(SEPARATE_TEXCOORD))




attribute vec2 inTexCoord;

varying vec2 texCoord1;

uniform vec2 m_Offset;



attribute vec2 inTexCoord2;

varying vec2 texCoord2;



attribute vec4 inColor;

varying vec4 vertColor;


void main(){


texCoord1 = vec2((inTexCoord[0]+m_Offset[0]),(inTexCoord[1]+m_Offset[1]));



texCoord2 = inTexCoord2;



vertColor = inColor;


gl_Position = g_WorldViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);



Now to figure out how to set up the g_Time in the material def file. Although, I would love to be able to vary the speed, so I am assuming I’ll need to define this as well.

Thanks a ton for the help!

Yeah, but speed won’t need to be set as often as offset, probably.

Under WorldParameters… put Time

Then you will have access to g_Time in your shader.