So I broke Java

Wow yeah I see what you mean :sweat_smile:

Basically, anything you can do to just glance at code and know unambiguously what it means is better.

So if you see:

…you don’t have to wonder “Is that a package + class or a Class + inner class?” Because if you follow conventions then it can only be one of those.

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I guess I should fix that before I release Dingo Engine 3, so I don’t piss people off

I have to say, I never expected a class library not to have the classes in it…

My bad for assuming.

I did do some cleaning up a while ago, maybe I just misplaced the compiled JAR and was left with the source JAR. Now the question is where the hell did I put the compiled one…

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Extract the jar, it’s just a zip file, and compile it.

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