[SOLVED] Bullet RigidBodyControl wait until movement is done

Hello, I wonder what is best solution for this.

I have a RigidBodyControl on a person model and I want to make command move from x1=(0,0,0) to x2=(1,0,0) position. I can applyImpulse() to so that the model is moving to the position. But how can I know that the model is done moving to the position?

Is there a listener that says that the body is not moving anymore?

Or do I need to check the physical position of the body and if position=x2 then done?

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There is a getLinearVelocity method for finding the current velocity of the object and getAngularVelocity method for finding the amount of current rotation. These are both available on the RigidBodyControl.

getLinearVelocity if I recall returns a direction multiplied by a distance per physics tick in world units. getAngularVelocity returns how much the object is rotating in radians per physics tick.

I’m sure the javadoc will be of help.

There’s no listener specifically for positions. Test the position after each physics tick, using a PhysicsTickListener. And don’t use == on vectors or floats!

Did you ever arrive at a satisfactory solution?

Yes, thank you. I keep track of the object physical location and linear velocity now. Then I can react if the conditions are met.

I’m also use a PhysicsTickListener to move objects, because apply impulse will rotate my model.

private class MoveObjectInPhysicsSpace implements PhysicsTickListener {

    boolean movementDone = false;

    final RigidBodyControl control;

    final Vector3f target;

    final Vector3f position = new Vector3f();

    final Vector3f velocity = new Vector3f(1f, 0f, 0f);

    public void prePhysicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float tpf) {
        if (position.distanceSquared(target) < 0.1f) {
            movementDone = true;

    public void physicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float tpf) {
        if (movementDone) {

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what about RigidBodyControl.isActive() ? maybe you can use that to check when the movement is done…

I believe that’s triggered when a rigidbody has been idle for a certain period, not immediately.


Also pretty sure that something can be “active” and not moving if some other object is on it, touching it, etc…