[SOLVED]fenggui jme update alpha problem

Sorry if the subject exist but I look for 6 hours without solution My problem is that I use fenggui For my application windows
but I using particles jme I Create an alphastate and ZBufferState but it changes the aspect of my window fenggui

normal aspect :

not normal aspect changed by alpha :

How can I help to make the alphastate does not change the window fenggui ?

The window looks fine to me!  :? What you want is the window to occlude the particles?

look the border of windows on two image  the up border

I really don't see any difference, except that the particle is rendered on top of the window.  :?

in the middle i have a  square the square is half black not  yelow  but  with the particule  my square is yellow

the particule is behind the window but we see it as if it were before

Ah, so you don't want your fenggui window to be transparent? In other words, you don't want the AlphaState to affect the window.

Where are you adding the AlphaState to, could it be that you are adding it to a node that is containing the particles as well as the fenggui window? If not, maybe you are just missing an updateRenderState() for the Node containing the fenggui window?

Ah, so you don't want your fenggui window to be transparent? In other words, you don't want the AlphaState to affect the window.

YES    i don't want the AlphaState to affect the window

for the Node containing the fenggui window

but my fenggui windows is not in a JME node

im use StandardGame architecture  and in the render

protected void render(float interpolation) {

      // Execute renderQueue item

      // Render the GameStates



thx for your help

i add this line  and the particule  dont affect my windows fengui
