[Solved]How can i pass on the ’Custom Class Instance’ from AdroidHarness to Simpleapplication

You should post the fully exception here, maybe someone can help you.

Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{jme3.test.appstate/jme3.test.appstate.JMEStartActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException

this is a exception that i can get in Eclipse…

I know that’s a NPE. It’s because your app was’nt started yet, and consequently your state manager too. I’m talking about the RuntimeException that you said earlier.

This don`t work .

I post Exception Message().



try {




} catch (Exception e) {

Log.i(“APPTEST”, "e.getMessage() :: " + e.getMessage());

Log.i(“APPTEST”, "e.getLocalizedMessage() :: " +e.getLocalizedMessage());

Log.i(“APPTEST”, “e.toString() :: " +e.toString());

Log.i(“APPTEST”,” e.getCause():: " + e.getCause());



Try this

Main Project Files:



package mygame;

import com.jme3.app.state.AppState;

public interface MyAppStateInterface extends AppState {

public String getText();

public void setText(String data);





package mygame;

import com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication;

import com.jme3.material.Material;

import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;

import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;

import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;

import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;

import com.jme3.scene.shape.Box;

import java.util.logging.Level;

import java.util.logging.Logger;


  • test
  • @author normenhansen


    public class Main extends SimpleApplication {

    private MyAppStateInterface myAppState;

    private boolean myAppStateAttached = false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Main app = new Main();




    public void simpleInitApp() {

    Box b = new Box(Vector3f.ZERO, 1, 1, 1);

    Geometry geom = new Geometry("Box", b);

    Material mat = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");

    mat.setColor("Color", ColorRGBA.Blue);





    public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) {

    //TODO: add update code

    if (myAppState != null) {

    if (!myAppStateAttached) {


    myAppStateAttached = true;


    Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Text Value: {0}", myAppState.getText());

    } else {

    Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "myAppState is Null");




    public void simpleRender(RenderManager rm) {

    //TODO: add render code


    public MyAppStateInterface getMyAppState() {

    return myAppState;


    public void setMyAppState(MyAppStateInterface myAppState) {

    this.myAppState = myAppState;




    Android Specific Files:



    package com.mycompany.mygame;

    import com.jme3.app.Application;

    import com.jme3.app.state.AppStateManager;

    import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;

    import mygame.MyAppStateInterface;

    public class MyAppState implements MyAppStateInterface {

    private String str_testdata;

    private boolean initialized = false;

    private boolean enabled = true;

    public MyAppState(String data) {

    this.str_testdata = data;


    public String getText(){

    return this.str_testdata;


    public void setText(String data){

    this.str_testdata = data;


    public void initialize(AppStateManager stateManager, Application app) {

    initialized = true;


    public boolean isInitialized() {

    return initialized;


    public void setEnabled(boolean bln) {

    enabled = bln;


    public boolean isEnabled() {

    return enabled;


    public void stateAttached(AppStateManager asm) {


    public void stateDetached(AppStateManager asm) {


    public void update(float f) {

    this.str_testdata = "Text from update";


    public void render(RenderManager rm) {


    public void postRender() {


    public void cleanup() {






    package com.mycompany.mygame;

    import com.jme3.app.AndroidHarness;

    import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;

    import android.os.Bundle;

    import com.jme3.system.android.AndroidConfigChooser.ConfigType;

    import mygame.Main;

    public class MainActivity extends AndroidHarness {


  • Note that you can ignore the errors displayed in this file,
  • the android project will build regardless.
  • Install the ‘Android’ plugin under Tools->Plugins->Available Plugins
  • to get error checks and code completion for the Android project files.


    public MainActivity(){

    // Set the application class to run

    appClass = "mygame.Main";

    // Try ConfigType.FASTEST; or ConfigType.LEGACY if you have problems

    eglConfigType = ConfigType.BEST;

    // Exit Dialog title & message

    exitDialogTitle = "Exit?";

    exitDialogMessage = "Press Yes";

    // Enable verbose logging

    eglConfigVerboseLogging = false;

    // Choose screen orientation

    screenOrientation = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;

    // Invert the MouseEvents X (default = true)

    mouseEventsInvertX = true;

    // Invert the MouseEvents Y (default = true)

    mouseEventsInvertY = true;



    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    MyAppState myAppState = new MyAppState("Hello World from Android");





    Logcat Results:


    09:18:20.694 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

    09:18:20.694 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (null) attached to this node (Gui Node)

    09:18:20.787 3958 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_CONCURRENT freed 869K, 39% free 4803K/7815K, external 2613K/3264K, paused 2ms+7ms

    09:18:20.873 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

    09:18:20.873 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

    09:18:20.881 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

    09:18:20.881 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

    09:18:20.889 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

    09:18:20.889 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

    09:18:20.897 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)

    09:18:20.897 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

    09:18:20.904 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (Statistics View) attached to this node (Gui Node)

    09:18:20.904 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 9:18:20 AM Child (Box) attached to this node (Root Node)

    09:18:20.904 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESContext GL Surface changed, width: 480 height: 320

    09:18:20.912 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO mygame.Main INFO Main 9:18:20 AM Text Value: Hello World from Android

    09:18:20.944 3958 com.mycompany.mygame WARN OGLESShaderRenderer WARNING OGLESShaderRenderer 9:18:20 AM glError 1,280

    09:18:21.006 3958 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_CONCURRENT freed 1727K, 46% free 4590K/8455K, external 2893K/3264K, paused 2ms+7ms

    09:18:21.069 3958 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 1424K, 51% free 4143K/8455K, external 2893K/3264K, paused 29ms

    09:18:21.194 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO mygame.Main INFO Main 9:18:21 AM Text Value: Text from update

    09:18:21.225 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO mygame.Main INFO Main 9:18:21 AM Text Value: Text from update

    09:18:21.240 3958 com.mycompany.mygame INFO mygame.Main INFO Main 9:18:21 AM Text Value: Text from update


I know it’s a NPE dude. I’m talking about the Runtime exception that you said earlier :). This NPE happens because your app wasn’t started yet. Here’s the prove:

@jjwsd said:
Here is Runtime Exception Error Message ^^.
Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{jme3.test.appstate/jme3.test.appstate.JMEStartActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException

@glaucomardano said:

Yes ^^

I just post Exception Error output which is gained by Android Log cat ^^

@iwgeric said:

Thank you for your advise ^^ !
This is working!
I have a two question ^^;;;;
1. i wonder why does this method "app.getStateManager().attach(m_AppState)" always return null pointer in AndroidHarness ??
Is app.getStateManager() useless in AnroidHarness ?

2. Where did you find this source code ?? ^^ ;;;;
i can`t find this code in anywhere.
@glaucomardano said:This NPE happens because your app wasn't started yet.

1 Like

;;;;;;; I misunderstood reply of @qlaucomardano…;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


I believe @normen and @glaucomardano were trying to tell you that the app is not done starting yet when the constructor and onCreate for MainActivity is called, so the stateManager variable is not yet defined. As you can see from the logcat below, I added a log entry when onCreate finishes and the app is still being created. Look for “onCreate Ending” and see that the app is still starting.

As for the code I provided, I just made it up. It looked like you needed some guidance. jME is really a good engine, even for Android apps. You just need to understand how the pieces get put together. I’m still learning as well. The main team members do a good job of proving tips and help, but you also need to do some research by looking at the engine source code to understand how Android starts the app and when the different events happen.

As I stated before, if all you are doing is setting up an Activity to set some game settings, then you should also look into using Nifty. This way it doesn’t require Android specific files. There have been some major improvements to Nifty, and when the next update comes out, Nifty should be able to be used on Android apps (need to push out the recent fix for the mouse click / touch position). Actually, now that I think of it, I believe you are using Eclipse, so if you get the lastest source code for the engine and build it, you should get that fix already.

Good luck.


13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESContext Display EGL Version: 1.0

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser JME3 using best EGL configuration available here:

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser JME3 using choosen config:

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_RED_SIZE = 8

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_GREEN_SIZE = 8

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_BLUE_SIZE = 8

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_ALPHA_SIZE = 8

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_DEPTH_SIZE = 24

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_STENCIL_SIZE = 8

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE = 4

13:09:17.887 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_SURFACE_TYPE = 5

13:09:17.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidHarness INFO AndroidHarness 1:09:17 PM Settings: Width 480 Height 320

13:09:17.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO MainActivity onCreate Ending

13:09:17.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidHarness onStart

13:09:17.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidHarness onResume

13:09:17.941 482 #482 INFO ActivityManager Displayed com.mycompany.mygame/.MainActivity: +469ms

13:09:18.020 770 #770 INFO SYS_MPP WebtopStatusHandler onDataActivity()…direction=3

13:09:18.020 770 #770 INFO SYS_MPP WebtopStatusHandler updateDataIcon()

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser GLSurfaceView asks for egl config, returning:

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_RED_SIZE = 8

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_GREEN_SIZE = 8

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_BLUE_SIZE = 8

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_ALPHA_SIZE = 8

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_DEPTH_SIZE = 24

13:09:18.035 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_STENCIL_SIZE = 8

13:09:18.043 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE = 4

13:09:18.043 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidConfigChooser EGL_SURFACE_TYPE = 5

13:09:18.043 8807 com.mycompany.mygame WARN IMGSRV eglglue.c:777: InitContext: ignoring buffer type CBUF_TYPE_PDS_VERT_SECONDARY_PREGEN_BUFFER

13:09:18.059 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESContext GL Surface created, doing JME3 init

13:09:18.059 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESContext OGLESContext create

13:09:18.059 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESContext Running on thread: GLThread 11

13:09:18.066 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM use_VBO [false] -> [false]

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM verboseLogging [false] -> [false]

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer Vendor: Imagination Technologies

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer Renderer: PowerVR SGX 540

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer Version: OpenGL ES 2.0

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM GLES20.Shading Language Version: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM VTF Units: 8

13:09:18.074 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Texture Units: 8

13:09:18.082 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Vertex Attributes: 16

13:09:18.082 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Subpixel Bits: 4

13:09:18.082 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Maximum Texture Resolution: 2,048

13:09:18.082 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Maximum CubeMap Resolution: 2,048

13:09:18.090 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_egl_sync GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_IMG_shader_binary GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_stream2 GL_IMG_texture_npot GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_program_binary GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture

13:09:18.090 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 35,841

13:09:18.090 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 35,843

13:09:18.090 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 35,840

13:09:18.090 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 35,842

13:09:18.098 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 36,196

13:09:18.098 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 0

13:09:18.105 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 0

13:09:18.113 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Compressed Texture Formats: 0

13:09:18.121 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO OGLESShaderRenderer INFO OGLESShaderRenderer 1:09:18 PM Caps: [GLSL100, VertexTextureFetch]

13:09:18.121 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO JmeSystem INFO JmeSystem 1:09:18 PM newAssetManager(jar:file:/data/app/com.mycompany.mygame-1.apk!/com/jme3/asset/Desktop.cfg)

13:09:18.121 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AssetManager DesktopAssetManager created.

13:09:18.129 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO AndroidAssetManager AndroidAssetManager created.

13:09:18.168 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO Camera INFO Camera 1:09:18 PM Camera created (W: 480, H: 320)

13:09:18.176 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO Camera INFO Camera 1:09:18 PM Camera created (W: 480, H: 320)

13:09:18.207 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO dalvikvm Total arena pages for JIT: 11

13:09:18.371 8807 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_CONCURRENT freed 1080K, 45% free 3972K/7175K, external 2357K/2773K, paused 2ms+2ms

13:09:18.395 6074 #6074 INFO SlackerRadio platform.settings.PlatformSettings.nousername: settings file: /data/data/com.slacker.radio/files/slacker/slacker.settings

13:09:18.457 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO MaterialDef INFO MaterialDef 1:09:18 PM Loaded material definition: Unshaded

13:09:18.535 8807 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_CONCURRENT freed 712K, 40% free 4388K/7239K, external 2357K/2773K, paused 2ms+5ms

13:09:18.613 8807 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 704K, 43% free 4157K/7239K, external 2613K/2773K, paused 36ms

13:09:18.730 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 1:09:18 PM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

13:09:18.730 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 1:09:18 PM Child (null) attached to this node (Gui Node)

13:09:18.816 8807 com.mycompany.mygame DEBUG dalvikvm GC_CONCURRENT freed 868K, 39% free 4803K/7815K, external 2613K/3264K, paused 2ms+8ms

13:09:18.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 1:09:18 PM Child (BitmapFont) attached to this node (null)

13:09:18.918 8807 com.mycompany.mygame INFO com.jme3.scene.Node INFO Node 1:09:18 PM Child (null) attached to this node (Statistics View)


@iwgeric said:

Thank you for your attention ^^...
Yes, i use eclipse..

I am really impressed by your kindness and advise.
Actually i`m not native speaker.
So i am hard to reading some post. ^^;;
But i try to read and read until i can understand...
JME3 engine is so complicated to me....
Anyway! Thank you for your kindness !