[SOLVED] How to add 6 textures on map?

Hi. I red the terrain tutorial. So I know how to add 3 textures to map and it works preety good. But I wanna add for example 6 textures. I red that I have to edit Terrain.j3md file. So I added tex4,5 and 6. And I modified the Terrain.frag file. But it doesn’t work. My new colours are rocognizing as older 3 colours (RGB). Here is this 2 files, maybe I’m adding colours in wrong way:


[java]MaterialDef Terrain {

MaterialParameters {

// use tri-planar mapping

Boolean useTriPlanarMapping

Texture2D Alpha

Texture2D Tex1

Texture2D Tex2

Texture2D Tex3

Texture2D Tex4

Texture2D Tex5

Texture2D Tex6

Float Tex1Scale

Float Tex2Scale

Float Tex3Scale

Float Tex4Scale

Float Tex5Scale

Float Tex6Scale


Technique {

VertexShader GLSL100: Common/MatDefs/Terrain/Terrain.vert

FragmentShader GLSL100: Common/MatDefs/Terrain/Terrain.frag

WorldParameters {



Defines {

TRI_PLANAR_MAPPING : useTriPlanarMapping



Technique {




[java]uniform sampler2D m_Alpha;

uniform sampler2D m_Tex1; //grass

uniform sampler2D m_Tex2; //snow

uniform sampler2D m_Tex3; //path

uniform sampler2D m_Tex4; //sand

uniform sampler2D m_Tex5; //rock

uniform sampler2D m_Tex6; //water?

uniform float m_Tex1Scale;

uniform float m_Tex2Scale;

uniform float m_Tex3Scale;

uniform float m_Tex4Scale;

uniform float m_Tex5Scale;

uniform float m_Tex6Scale;

varying vec2 texCoord;


varying vec4 vVertex;

varying vec3 vNormal;


void main(void)


// get the alpha value at this 2D texture coord

vec4 alpha = texture2D( m_Alpha, texCoord.xy );


// tri-planar texture bending factor for this fragment’s normal

vec3 blending = abs( vNormal );

blending = (blending -0.2) * 0.7;

blending = normalize(max(blending, 0.00001)); // Force weights to sum to 1.0 (very important!)

float b = (blending.x + blending.y + blending.z);

blending /= vec3(b, b, b);

// texture coords

vec4 coords = vVertex;

vec4 col1 = texture2D( m_Tex1, coords.yz * m_Tex1Scale );

vec4 col2 = texture2D( m_Tex1, coords.xz * m_Tex1Scale );

vec4 col3 = texture2D( m_Tex1, coords.xy * m_Tex1Scale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex1 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;

col1 = texture2D( m_Tex2, coords.yz * m_Tex2Scale );

col2 = texture2D( m_Tex2, coords.xz * m_Tex2Scale );

col3 = texture2D( m_Tex2, coords.xy * m_Tex2Scale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex2 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;

col1 = texture2D( m_Tex3, coords.yz * m_Tex3Scale );

col2 = texture2D( m_Tex3, coords.xz * m_Tex3Scale );

col3 = texture2D( m_Tex3, coords.xy * m_Tex3Scale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex3 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;

col1 = texture2D( m_Tex4, coords.yz * m_Tex4Scale );

col2 = texture2D( m_Tex4, coords.xz * m_Tex4Scale );

col3 = texture2D( m_Tex4, coords.xy * m_Tex4cale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex4 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;

col1 = texture2D( m_Tex5, coords.yz * m_Tex5Scale );

col2 = texture2D( m_Tex5, coords.xz * m_Tex5Scale );

col3 = texture2D( m_Tex5, coords.xy * m_Tex5Scale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex5 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;

col1 = texture2D( m_Tex6, coords.yz * m_Tex6Scale );

col2 = texture2D( m_Tex6, coords.xz * m_Tex6Scale );

col3 = texture2D( m_Tex6, coords.xy * m_Tex6Scale );

// blend the results of the 3 planar projections.

vec4 tex6 = col1 * blending.x + col2 * blending.y + col3 * blending.z;


vec4 tex1 = texture2D( m_Tex1, texCoord.xy * m_Tex1Scale ); // Tile

vec4 tex2 = texture2D( m_Tex2, texCoord.xy * m_Tex2Scale ); // Tile

vec4 tex3 = texture2D( m_Tex3, texCoord.xy * m_Tex3Scale ); // Tile

vec4 tex1 = texture2D( m_Tex4, texCoord.xy * m_Tex4Scale ); // Tile

vec4 tex2 = texture2D( m_Tex5, texCoord.xy * m_Tex5Scale ); // Tile

vec4 tex3 = texture2D( m_Tex6, texCoord.xy * m_Tex6Scale ); // Tile


vec4 outColor = tex1 * alpha.r; // Red channel

outColor += tex2 * alpha.g; // Green channel

outColor += tex3 * alpha.b; // Blue channel

outColor += tex4 * ((alpha.r + alpha.g)/2); // Red Green channel

outColor += tex5 * ((alpha.r + alpha.b)/2); // Red Blue channel

outColor += tex6 * ((alpha.g + alpha.b)/2); // Green Blue channel

gl_FragColor = outColor;



And here is my alphamap:


OK, I found solution, I have wrong paths in my first file :slight_smile: EOT

TerrainLighting.j3md supports 12 textures, and does lighting.