[SOLVED] How to end and restart a multiplayer game (sim-eth-es)

It makes sense to me, too.

Hopefully I will fix the teleporting problem at some point and some of this becomes simpler. Though in your multiple game session approach, some of this was for the best anyway.

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I experience the same issue. All I did (previously) was set the physical body position. This would work for in-range zones. When I tried to warp to a zone outside the range, the body would get warped but the spatial would remain at the source location (and thus also the camera, which I have bound to the player spatial).

I can work around it by changing the ZONE_RADIUS to simply include all of the map.

I tried looking into the ZoneManager to see if there was a way I could decipher how to fix it, but alas, to no avail. I hope you manage to get time to implement a solution for it :slight_smile:


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I think you can try my trickery with reassign the client id to ethereal. Maybe you also have first remove the Position and re-add it one frame later and reassigne the client id.

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Hmm[quote=“ia97lies, post:23, topic:38743, full:true”]
I think you can try my trickery with reassign the client id to ethereal. Maybe you also have first remove the Position and re-add it one frame later and reassigne the client id.

I’m not really keen on that, since my game is a persistent one. So I’d have to do all sorts of stuff to re-assign whatever the player then has stored of information (score, inventory whatnot).

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You can reassigne the very same thing (entity id), I do that! Maybe not even need to remove/add position, any way remove the position and add a new one does not feel wrong to me.

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I guess it makes sense if you are already dealing with session information. But mine is game logic - it makes little sense to have an AbstractGameSystem that (somehow, I cannot figure that part out) calls to HostedConnection and then to EtheralHost:

HostedConnection hc = getSystem(AccountHostedService.class).getHostedConnection(e.getId());
if (hc != null) {
    getSystem(EtherealHost.class).setConnectionObject(getSystem(AccountHostedService.class).getHostedConnection(e.getId()), e.getId().getId(), targetLocation);

AccountHostedService is not a System, but a Service, so is kept on the Server object - which I cannot figure out how to access. And it also seems wrong to accces it from game logic.

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Ok, true I only look at it from my perspective you are right :slight_smile: for game logic it feels wrong to deal with game sessions.

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Access from where?

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From an AbstractGameSystem > Update:

public void update(SimTime tpf) {
    time = tpf;


    if (warpToEntities.applyChanges()) {
        for (Entity e : warpToEntities) {
            SimpleBody body = simplePhysics.getBody(e.getId());
            if (body != null) {
                BodyPosition pos = e.get(BodyPosition.class);
                Vec3d targetLocation = ed.getComponent(e.getId(), WarpTo.class).getTargetLocation();

                Vector2 originalLocation = body.getTransform().getTranslation();
                Vec3d origLocationVec3d = new Vec3d(originalLocation.x, originalLocation.y, 1);

                //Right now, this is how I translate the ship (and everything else) to the new location - and it works as long as the `ZONE_RADIUS` is  big enough for the `targetlocation` to be included in the radius.
                body.getTransform().setTranslation(targetLocation.x, targetLocation.y);

                //This is how it 'could also be done?'
                HostedConnection hc = getSystem(AccountHostedService.class).getHostedConnection(e.getId());
                if (hc != null) {
                    getSystem(EtherealHost.class).setConnectionObject(getSystem(AccountHostedService.class).getHostedConnection(e.getId()), e.getId().getId(), targetLocation);
                //getStateListener(hc).setSelf(selfId, initialPosition);
                GameEntities.createWarpEffect(origLocationVec3d, ed);
                GameEntities.createWarpEffect(targetLocation, ed);

                ed.removeComponent(e.getId(), WarpTo.class);
                throw new RuntimeException("Entity has a body position, but no physical body");

But as I wrote above, mixing game logic with session logic seems like a no-go to me - but it would be a work around ‘for now’.

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