[SOLVED] How to make a fireball in jME3.1

That’s true, however as you can see from travis:

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'sdk'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':optlibs'.
   > Could not resolve org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-jbullet:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
     Required by:
      > Could not resolve org.jmonkeyengine:jme3-jbullet:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
         > Could not parse POM file:/home/travis/.m2/repository/org/jmonkeyengine/jme3-jbullet/3.2.0-SNAPSHOT/jme3-jbullet-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
            > Unable to resolve version for dependency 'jbullet:jbullet:jar'

This means said jbullet pom requires jbullet or something. Maybe I’d have to name my jbullet.jar also like jbullet.jar-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT?

I have actually looked into “merging” the SDK Project Class and the Gradle Plugin’s one, so that you could build gradle while having an SDK Project. Unfortunately they don’t share the same base class so it’s not so easy to do.

Personally I have a regular sdk project but just hop into the command line to build/run. The downside is you have to manually add the libraries so that syntax highlighting etc works.

That’s what happens quite often to me as well. You’re just not used to month-day notations.

Glad you solved it :slight_smile: Yeah, it used the version that you built on 11th December

I’ve just checked it and Netbeans 9.0 still isn’t out sadly, so you are stuck with 8.1

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