[SOLVED] Jme SDK and gradle

I had a discussion with David regarding this, thanks to him in v9.1he added support for exporting them directly from blender in this commit so loading is relatively very fast now.

@ia97lies for using SDKs tools on your gradle project one solution is :

And if you ran to this problem which i had previously :

then the cheap solution is to remove
runtime project(':assets') from your dependencies in build.gradle file and instead add runtime file('./assets') during developing.
(Note when you want to deploy the project you should return it back to runtime project(':assets'))

and the decent solution (only if your assets are really big in size and also if you want to be able to add new models or update them even after you shipped your game to users and more important if you want your assets to be modular :wink:) is to let go of one gigantic assets.jar and deploy each model in separate jar. Gradle makes it easy to separate assets as sub projects.

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