[Solved] ListBox not accepting selection

I’m having trouble with a listBox control, being unable to select any items in it - no visual cue, no callback, just the list of items displayed.

Here’s my xml:

[xml]<control name=“listBox” id=“groups_list” width=“100%” height=""

vertical=“on” horizontal=“off” displayItems=“15” selection=“Single”


<control name=“group-list-item”/>


The group-list-item definition:

[xml]<controlDefinition name=“group-list-item”>

<panel childLayout=“horizontal” width=“100%” align=“center”>

<image id="#group-icon" width=“20px” height=“20px” />

<control name=“label” id="#group-name" font=“Interface/Fonts/freesans-12.fnt” align=“left”

textHAlign=“left” wrap=“true” height=“20px” width="
" />



The GroupViewConverter:

[java]public class GroupViewConverter implements ListBoxViewConverter<CGroup> {

private static final String GROUP_ICON = “#group-icon”;

private static final String GROUP_NAME = “#group-name”;


  • Default constructor.


    public GroupViewConverter() {


  • {@inheritDoc}



    public final void display(final Element listBoxItem, final CGroup item) {

    final Element text = listBoxItem.findElementByName(GROUP_NAME);

    final TextRenderer textRenderer = text.getRenderer(TextRenderer.class);

    final Element icon = listBoxItem.findElementByName(GROUP_ICON);

    final ImageRenderer iconRenderer = icon.getRenderer(ImageRenderer.class);

    if (item != null) {



    } else {





  • {@inheritDoc}



    public final int getWidth(final Element listBoxItem, final CGroup item) {

    final Element text = listBoxItem.findElementByName(GROUP_NAME);

    final TextRenderer textRenderer = text.getRenderer(TextRenderer.class);

    return ((textRenderer.getFont() == null) ? 0 : textRenderer.getFont().getWidth(item.getName()))
  • ((item.getIcon() == null) ? 0 : item.getIcon().getWidth());



    The list displays great and you can add items without a problem, but there’s no selection at all.

    Do you have to do something else to enable selection in a listBox or did I use it in an incorrect way?


I added the nifty-listbox-item style and noticed I could use the arrow keys (up/down) and space bar to select items.

So it’s the mouse interaction that’s not working, not even with visibleToMouse=“true” on all elements and controls.

I can’t use the listbox.selectItemByIndex(int i) either, it doesn’t select any items.

I found the solution!

You have to set your custom control’s controller to de.lessvoid.nifty.controls.listbox.ListBoxItemController as it isn’t done automatically.

Here’s an example:

[xml]<panel childLayout=“vertical” width=“100%” height=“100%”>

<control name=“listBox” id=“groups_list” width=“100%” height=“100%” vertical=“optional” horizontal=“off” displayItems=“15”


<control name=“group-list-item” controller=“de.lessvoid.nifty.controls.listbox.ListBoxItemController” />

