[SOLVED] MatDef SDK Editor: error generating shader null

Hello monkeys! :monkey_face:

I’m trying to dive deep into MatDef, ShaderNodes and GLSL. I read all documentation on Wiki about it and saw @nehon video about it, but I still can’t create my own ShaderNode. When I click on “Shader” tab, it gives me the message: error generating shader null. What i’m missing :pensive:


MaterialDef Simple {
    MaterialParameters {
        Color Color
    Technique {
        WorldParameters {
        VertexShaderNodes {
            ShaderNode VoxelLightingVert {
                Definition : VoxelLightingVert : MatDefs/ShaderNodes/VoxelLighting.j3sn
                InputMappings {
                    worldViewProjectionMatrix = WorldParam.WorldViewProjectionMatrix
                    modelPosition = Global.position.xyz
                OutputMappings {
                    Global.position = projPosition
        FragmentShaderNodes {
            ShaderNode VoxelLightingFrag {
                Definition : VoxelLightingFrag : MatDefs/ShaderNodes/VoxelLighting.j3sn
                InputMappings {
                    color1 = MatParam.Color
                    color2 = Global.color
                OutputMappings {
                    Global.color = outColor


ShaderNodeDefinitions {
    ShaderNodeDefinition VoxelLightingVert {
        Type: Vertex
        Shader GLSL100: MatDefs/ShaderNodes/VoxelLighting/VoxelLighting.vert
        Documentation {
            This node is reponsable for calculating a simple voxel lighting.
            @input modelPosition the vertex position in model space (usually assigned with Attr.inPosition or Global.position)
            @input worldViewProjectionMatrix the World View Projection Matrix transforms model space to projection space.
            @output projPosition Position of the vertex in projection space.(usually assigned to Global.position)
        Input {
            vec3 modelPosition
            mat4 worldViewProjectionMatrix
        Output {
            vec4 projPosition
    ShaderNodeDefinition VoxelLightingFrag {      
	Type: Fragment
	Shader GLSL100: MatDefs/ShaderNodes/VoxelLighting/VoxelLighting.frag
	Documentation {
	    Renders a simple color
	    @input color1 the first color
	    @input color2 the second color            
	    @output outColor the resulting color
	Input {
	    vec4 color1
	    vec4 color2            
	Output {
	    vec4 outColor


void main(){
    outColor = color1 * color2;


void main(){ 
    projPosition = worldViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(modelPosition, 1.0);

Visual Editor:

As you can see, it’s a very basic MatDef, but still I can’t figure what’s wrong…

Hello, unfortunately the 3.0 editor is really buggy.
I did a ton of bug fixes nad enhancements in master, maybe you could try to build the sdk from it.
Though that implies that you use the master for your project, and it can be unstable.
But we usually try to fix breaking issues as fast as possible.

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@nehon, thanks for answer. I’ll keep using 3.0 to force myself to learn Shader by hand :stuck_out_tongue:. Anyway, Visual Editor is still usefull to pre-compile my definitions and check typos.

Hehe, well feel free to ask if you have any trouble :wink: