[Solved]Problems with texture scale


I’m trying to increase texture scale of model, but can not. I tried with mesh.scaleTextureCoordinates (new Vector2f (2.1)), but the function does not appear. Could someone explain how given scale the textures of the models? I need to use a definition of material?

Thanks in advance,


Update: would have to use something like following instruction? mat.setVector3( “Scale”, new Vector3f(1f,1f,1f)); but do not know the parameter. I tried “NormalScale” and “DiffuseScale” but it generates the following error, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Material parameter is not defined: NormalScale…

mikelc80 said:
mesh.scaleTextureCoordinates (new Vector2f (2.1)), but the function does not appear.

What do you mean it does not appear? you mean it does not compile?
if it's the issue try

mesh.scaleTextureCoordinates (new Vector2f (2,1));

This is the way to scale texture coordinates, but doing this th texture will be scale twice on the u axis and once on the v axis.
if you are trying to repeat the texture twice use new Vector2f(0.5f,1)

Ok thank you, im going to try this.

That was, I was not using the class needed to use that function. Thank you very much